Photo - Tingri Planters Club 1972

Clayton - Bob


Year of birth 1947

- Born St. Luke’s. Chabua Hospital

1968 - 1973 Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co., (Rupee Group) Gairkata (Dooars) Betjan,

              Ananda-bag, and Jutlibari Tea Estates. (Assam)

1974 - 1975 W.R. Carpenters Kudjip T.E. Banz WHP Papua New Guinea. (PNG)

1975 - 1977 Bali Corporation Rabaul ENBP PNG Cocoa & Copra Estates.

            Unea Island (Bismarck Sea) and Iwi Plantation (Bougainville) PNG

1978 - 1984 National Plantation Management Agency – Rabaul PNG

            [Agency set up By Chris Doutre (ex Dooars Tea Planter) to manage estates

            Under the Land Acquisition Scheme Govt of PNG]

 1984 -1998 Partner/Manager of ASP (ng) Pty Ltd. Rabaul - Building Material.

 1989 - 1998 Rural Development Bank of PNG. Advisor Rural Lending- Port Moresby

 1999 - 2001 Four Square Church Port Moresby (PNG) Volunteer- Administrator

 2002 - 2006 Owner/Manager LPG Gas Distribution Co. Brisbane. Australia

 2007 - Owner Home Renovation & Building Co. Retired but active with the Coy.      

 Four children- all living close by in Brisbane. Divorced Lorna (nee Tripp)

 Email: [email protected]


Other family members :

CHARLES GEORGE CLAYTON 1906 – 2007   Whitchurch. Shropshire UK.

Arrived India 1928 with the Bengal-Assam Navigation Co. as Engineer.

1929-1930 Noyapara T.E. (now Bangladesh) and Chargola T.E (Cachar)

1931-1940 Jamguri, & Borhat Tea Estates (upper Assam)

1941-1962 Achabam T.E.  Retired and returned home to the UK.


JAMES CHARLES CLAYTON  1932 -1978   Born Borhat T.E

1952 - 1970 Employed by Titagarh Paper Mills in Orissa and Assam

1971 - 1972 Propriety tea estate in Golaghat Area.

1973 – 1978 retired Shillong Meghalaya.

Survived by Linian, and children Christopher, Angela, and Anthony


GEORGE PAUL CLAYTON  1935 - 2012    Born Borhat T.E

1955 - 1960 Sirocco Engineering Co at Calcutta. Set up tea factory in Iran 1959.

1960 - 1975 Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co., (Sterling Group). At Borjuli, Ghorali, Sessa,

(Darang Assam) Nagrakata, Bhotogpur (Dooars) and Napuk Tea Estates    

(Sonari Assam)

1975 -1988 W.R. Carpenters & Co., at Kudjip Tea Estate, Banz, Papua New Guinea.

1989 -1998 with Kellogg’s Group of companies Brisbane Australia.

1999 - Retired. Holland Park. Brisbane Australia

Survived by Lucy (divorced) children Neil and Pia. Widow Lucia and dtr Chrysalis.


PETER ANTHONY CLAYTON  1939 - 2016    Born Borhat T.E.

1960 - 1973 Assam Company at Suntok, Lakmijan, Geleky, Doomur Dullang,  

              Hajua and Baghjan Tea Estates.

1974 - 1985 Assam Tea Corporation (Assam Govt Enterprise) Amgoorie, Tipook,

            Lookujan, Numalijgarh, Sycotta, Longai (Cachar) and Amlucki Tea Estates.

1986 - 2003 Propriety Company Tingalibam (Sonari) Bhotogpur (Dooars) and

           Karbi-Anglong Development Corp at Diffoo, and Haflong.

2004 - 2016 Retired. Tezpur. Survived by Jennifer & Helen, (wife Marian

            Deceased 1988) widow Manju and son Ayush.


Dads farewell

Thakurbari Club

Moran Club Sign

Manager with Guards

Honor Board

Honor Board

Achabam Burra Bungalow