Events - Reunions & photos

See menu bar for photos (by year) 

2020 Lunch CANCELLED due to coronavirus - No future date planned yet & anyone wishing for more details contact the Convenor, Robin Humphries at Email address: [email protected] .



There have been many reunion get togethers enjoyed by many :


ABERDEEN, held in 2002 and 2008

COWDRAY PARK, held in 2006. 2007 and 2009

Dornoch   Reunion lunch held in 2010

Eastbourne was been held annually for many years, but stopped after 2015 as the
organiser did not wish
it to continue and he wanted the emphasis to be towards the
Koi-Hai Juniors and even transferred the remaining funds to the Junior account.

Stratford-upon-Avon lunches - ‘It is with much regret that we have to advise that the Stratford Lunches are being discontinued. We had originally hoped to hold the last lunch in 2017 but due to illness, it just was not practical to try to organise it.  (David Kincaid has since passed away)


Below is an attempt by the Editor to let folks know what Eastbourne looked like 
The Hydro Hotel is the
place where each year old Koi Hais gathered to renew
friendships and make new ones.

 The entrance road to the Hydro Hotel where the Assam Reunions are held

The garden entrance with the Quader Family and the Fetherstonhaughs

The coastal Road looking West

 The Pier

The coastal Road with spring flowers and looking East with the Pier in view