2014 Photographs


April 22 2014

Photographs of the Lunch

The Eastbourne Lunch was a great success and below are three sets of Photos

Part one is from Jimmy Robinson to view please click Here

Part Two is from Merle Bartlett to view please click Here

Part Three is 65 photos from David Kincaid to view please go below the 
previous two, as they are small with the capability of clicking to enlarge and enjoy


April 23 2014

Thanks to Jimmy Robinson here are some photos of the 2014 lunch

Left to Right: Ken Baber, Elizabeth Baber, Caroline and Clive Roberson,
Iain and Judy Ross, and David Rushton

Robin & Maxine Humphries, Pam Farbrother,  Peter Bartlett, Jennifer Bayley, Anita Batten,
Phill Bayley
and with back to camera Merle Bartlett 

 L to R  Wendy Knight,   Digby Hembry,  Kim Hembry,  Back to Camera Jo Daly,
Stephen Mogg, Shareen Courtney.


Ian Marchant, Clive Peacock (almost hidden), Jacqueline Graham, Charles Miller,
Julian Royals, Karl Steinherr and Ann Gardner (back to camera). 

Left to Right: Babs Johnson, Sally Fleming, Verity Whitworth, Jacqueline Patel,
Tina Lloyd-Jenkins, Liz Dunsmore, Georgina Whitworth,  DK

Left to Right: Verity Whitworth,  DK, Babs Johnson, Sally Fleming, Liz Dunsmore,
Jacqueline Patel, Tina LLoyd-Jenkins


Left to Right  Anne Thyne, Mike Gilbert, Sally Gilbert, John Thyne, Lali Crow,
Nick Barham,   DK

8                                    Marcia Ross, Michael Ross, and David Somerville

Adele Fletcher,                              Jo Daly,                                         Wendy Knight




     Adele Fletcher (Nee Leetham)      Jo Daly (nee Knight)             Wendy Knight

April 17 2014 

                        2014   Eastbourne Reunion

The first photos of 2014 (Thanks to Merle Bartlett)

Pam Farbrother                       Peter Bartlett                  Jenniffer Bayley

Phil Bayley            Anita Batten              Maxine and Robin Humphries

 Anita Batten                                    Phil Bayley

Jimmy Robinson, the Convener, making his speech


 Peter Bartlett                                            Clive Peacock

Ian Marchant,  Liz Dunsmore,  Karl Steinherr,  Robin Humphries,  Verity Whitworth,

and   Maxine Humphries

 Ian Marchant,                   Liz Dunsmore,                       Karl Steinherr

Merle Bartlett,                             Liz Dunsmore,                  Karl Steinherr,


1 The Garden scene from the Hotel with the Channel in the background

2 Denys Wilde and Charles Miller

3 Judy Scott and Pam Farbrother

4 Jennifer and Phil Bayley

5 Ann Gardiner

6 Lily Dame

7 Barbara Burns-Thomson

8 Ian Burns-Thomson

9 Jim Dame

10 Kim Hembry

11 Rona Mackie & David Rushton

12 Sally Fleming & Jo Daly

13 Wendy Knight

14 Shareen Courtney & Adele Fletcher

15 Anita Batten & Cilla Van Oppen

16 Liz Dunsmore, Verity Whitworth, and Tina Lloyd Jenkins

17 Caroline Roberson

18 Mike & Kathy Courtney

19 Jim Dame & Lily Dame

20 Rona Mackie & Janet Mogg

21 Denys Wilde & Kim Kincaid

22 Maxine & Robin Humphries

23 Peter Bartlett

24 Jennifer Bayley

25 Rachel Bateson

26 Merle Bartlett

27 Phil Bayley

28 David Rushton

29 Judy Ross

30 Iain Ross

31 Caroline & Clive Roberson

32 Elizabeth and Ken Baber

33 Rachel Bateson

34 Digby & Kim Hembry

35 Jo Daly & Wendy Knight

36 Shareen Courtney and Richard Stokes

37 Adele Fletcher

38 Stephen Mogg

39 Ian Burns-Thomson, Margarota Handa, Barbara Burns-Thomson

40 Keith Taylor & Marcia Ross

41 Michael Ross & David Somerville

42 Margarita Handa, Barbara Burns-Thomson, Keith Taylor

43 Ian Burns-Thomson

44 Liz Dunsmore & Ken Dunsmore

45 Jacqueline Patel & Tina Lloyd Jenkins

46 Sally Fleming

47 Verity Whitworth & Babs Johnson

48 Ian Marchant & Clive Peacock

49 Karl Steinherr & Ann Gardiner

50 Charles Miller & Julian Royals

51 Jacqueline Graham

52 John Thyne & Lalli Crow

53 Mike Gilbert, Astrid Barham, Sally Gilbert

54 Cilla Van Oppen & Anne Thyne

55 Martin Van Oppen

56 Nick Barham

57 Ann Gardiner

58 Jimmy Robinson

59 Pam Farbrother

60 Maxine Humphries

61 Jim Dame

62 David Kincaid

63 Rona Mackie

64 Rona Mackie

65 David & Kim kincaid