Dear Friends,
After the successful First Koi Hai Reunion Lunch held at the Hydro Hotel Eastbourne, I am pleased to announce the date of the Second Reunion Lunch. A date for your diary Tuesday 26th April 2017.
There are several Public Holidays around this time, Easter 14th to 17th April, Early May bank Holiday 1st May, we usually hold the Reunion late April and the 26th April seems the best fit around these Public Holidays.
Your Aye
Robin Humphries
Koi Hai Reunion Lunch Convenor
Eastbourne Lunch April 19 2016
At Hydro Hotel, Mount Road, Eastbourne
Convenors Report 2016
Last year we had the final Assam Reunion on Tuesday 14th April
here in the Hydro Hotel. It proved to be a memorable occasion for us all. So previous convenors had come and had gone and this was the last one.
However, I detected a need and desire for an event to carry on. As we had had the final Assam Reunion I decided it would be appropriate to change the name and this was done and changed to the Koi Hai Reunion and today we attend the very first Koi Hai Reunion Lunch!!
This event started with no funds, so action was taken to under pin this event. Luckily a member who wishes to remain anonymous donated £50 which started the process off. You all have contributed via a levy of £2.00 to this fund. This has been successful and I believe in future years the levy can be reduced and still show financial viability for future Convenors. Part of the Donation has been spent on the name badges and a visitors book which I hope everyone has or will sign today. This gives a chance to update contact details, correct any errors and fill-in missing information such as Agency House affiliations for everyone associated directly or through family connection with India.
I would encourage you all to support the Junior Koi Hai’s as this is the assurance of the future of the reunions. A Lunch is held most years in Oxford where the Children of the Planters meet to compare notes and talk about childhood memories.
In the meantime I am happy to continue organising the Koi Hai Reunion for another year. Like all of you I get one year older each time and soon there will come the time for someone to take over or it really will be the last Reunion Lunch.
To help publicise the Koi Hai concept, I have opened a ‘Senior Koi Hai’ Facebook page. If you have internet access please do have a look at this from time to time. Also, David Air continues to be webmaster of the Koi-Hai.com Website and I would urge you to look at this from time to time. I am sorry but the internet is the way forward and much used by the younger generations. So easy to send a round robin to a predefined email list just by clicking ‘Send’. ‘Simple’, as the Meercat adverts amply demonstrate!
April 20 2016
List of Attendees at the lunch on April 19 2016 in Eastbourne
1 |
Anderson |
David |
2 |
Baber |
Ken |
3 |
Bartlett |
Peter |
4 |
Bartlett |
Merle |
5 |
Batten |
Anita |
6 |
Bayley |
Phil |
7 |
Bayley |
Jennifer |
8 |
Bayley |
Steve |
9 |
Brown |
Celia |
10 |
Burns- Thomson |
Ian |
11 |
Burns- Thomson |
Barbara |
12 |
Crow |
lali |
13 |
Dame |
Jim |
14 |
Fleming |
Sally |
15 |
Geary |
Malcolm |
16 |
Geary |
Marie Christine |
17 |
Moussa |
Comille-Chloe |
18 |
Graves |
Paul |
19 |
Graves |
Tertia |
20 |
Morgan |
Caroline |
21 |
Handa |
Pran |
22 |
Handa |
Margareta |
23 |
Hembry |
Digby |
24 |
Humphries |
Robin |
25 |
Humphries |
Maxine |
26 |
Isherwood |
Christoper |
27 |
Johnson |
Babs |
28 |
Kincaid |
David |
29 |
Kincaid |
Kim |
30 |
Melling |
Caroline |
31 |
Miller |
Charles |
32 |
Montgomery |
Mike |
33 |
Montgomery |
Mrs |
34 |
Patel |
Jacqueline |
35 |
Paterson |
Angela |
36 |
Roberson |
Clive |
37 |
Roberson |
Caroline |
38 |
Ross |
Iain |
39 |
Ross |
Judy |
40 |
Shenol |
Venk |
41 |
Shenol |
Anna |
42 |
Twiss |
Jennifer |
43 |
Wadsworth |
Penny |
44 |
Whitworth |
Verity |
Seating Plan
Table 1
Robin Humphries, (James Warren)
Maxine Humphries, (James Warren)
Phil Bayley, (Williamson Magor)
Jennifer Bayley, (Williamson Magor)
Steve Bayley, (Williamson Magor)
Peter Bartlett, (James Warren)
Merle Bartlett, (James Warren)
Ken Baber, (Williamson Magor)
Table 2
Celia Brown, (Williamson Magor)
Jackie Graham, (McNeil Barry)
David Anderson, (James Finlay)
Ian Burns-Thomson, (Gillanders)
Barbara Burns-Thomson, (Gillanders)
Jim Dame, (Gillanders)
Pran Handa (Singlo/Gillanders)
Margareta Handa, (Singlo/Gillanders)
Penny Wadsworth (Nee Rome),(McNeil & Magor)
Caroline Melling, (Gillanders)
Table 3
Malcolm Geary, (James Warren)
Marie Christine Geary, (James Warren)
Comille-Chloe Moussa, (Visitor)
Venk Shenol, (Gillanders)
Anna Shenol, (Gillanders)
Charles Miller, (Chalsa Tea Estate,Dooars)
Table 4
Anita Batten, (Romai T E)
Jennifer Twiss, (Bordobi Estate)
Christopher Isherwood, (Visitor)
Jacqueline Patel, (Williamson Magor)
Sally Fleming (Octavius Steel)
Marc Montgomery, (Assam Oil Company, Digboi)
Mrs Montgomery, (Assam Oil Company, Digboi)
Table 5
Ian Ross, (Williamson Magor)
Judy Ross, (Williamson Magor)
Clive Roberson, (Jardines)
Caroline Roberson, (Jardines)
Paul Graves, (Octavius Steel Co)
Terita Graves, (Octavius Steel Co)
Caroline Morgan, (Octavius Steel Co)
Verity Whitworth, (Williamson Magor)
Table 6
Babs Johnson, (James Warren)
Lali Crow, (Balmer Lawrie)
David Kincaid, (Jorehaut Tea Co Ltd)
Kim Kincaid, (Jorehaut Tea Co Ltd)
Angela Paterson, (Williamson Magor)
Digby Hembry, (Williamson Magor)
Photos of the event
The letters DK mean don't know--if you can help, please advise the editor [email protected]

1 Standing Charles Miller (giving his presentation on his childhood) Iain Ross Judy Ross Paul Graves

2 Merle Bartlett Venk Shenoi, Verity Whitworth, Anita Batten

3 Front row Merle Bartlett, Comille-Chloe-Chloe Moussa (French guest of Geary Family) Marie -Christine Geary, Venk Shenoi ,Anita Batten
Second Row :Malcolm Geary, Peter Bartlett

4 Kim Kincaid, Maxine Humphries David Kincaid


6 Marc Montgomery, Lesley Montgomery, Jennifer Twiss, Christofer Isherwood

7 Paul Graves, Caroline Morgan, Tertia Graves Lalli Crow

8 Paul Graves Caroline Morgan Tertia Graves Lalli Crow

9 Lalli Crow


11 Robin Humphries, Jennifer Bayley, Phil Bayley, Ken Baber, Steve Bailey, Peter Bartlett, Merle Bartlett

12 Charles Miller, Venk Shenoi, Anna Shenoi

13 Lalli Crow Kim Kincaid David Kincaid

14 Clive and Caroline Roberson

15 Tertia Graves Paul Graves

16 Margareta Handa, Caroline Melling, Jim Dame

17 Sally Fleming Angela Peterson, Anita Batten, Marc Montgomery, and Lesley Montgomery

18 Merle Bartlett, Robin Humphries, Maxine Humphries, and Jennifer Bayley

19 Verity Whitworth, Caroline Morgan,
Tertia Graves, Paul Graves

20 Comille-Chloe Moussa (guest)
21 Barbara Burns-Thomson, Ian Burns-Thomson, Pran Handa

22 Pran Handa, Penny Wadsworth

23 Celia Brown and David Anderson

24 Margaretha Handa

25 Robin Humphries

26 Maxine Humphries

27 Ken Baber

28 Anita Batten

29 Angela Paterson

30 Jennifer Twiss Christofer Isherwood

31 Digby Hembry

32 Phil Bayley Ken Baber, Steve Bayley, Peter Bartlett, Merle Bartlett

33 Ken Baber, Steve Bayley, Peter Bartlett, Merle Bartlett, Robin Humphries

34 Venk Shenoi, Anna Shenoi, Malcolm Geary

35 Margareta Handa, Jim Dame, Barbara Burns-Thomson,

36 Pran handa, Penny Wadsworth, Celia Brown, David Anderson

37 Barbara Burns-Thomson, Ian Burns-Thomson, Pran Handa

38 Digby Hembry Babs Johnson

39 Judy and Iain Ross

40 Caroline and Clive Roberson

41 Marc and Lesley Montgomery 44 Malcolm Geary

43 Steve Bayley
March 14 2016
Robin Humphries tells us that he has 42 takers for the Eastbourne lunch on April 19 at the Hydro Hotel--thank you Robin for all your hard work
February 7 2016
The Editor is delighted to report the lunch update from Robin;
Robin Humphries, Koi Hai Reunion Lunch Coordinator now confirms that the planned lunch is going ahead, so interested parties can book with confidence. Anyone interested should contact Robin at [email protected]
Koi Hai Reunion Lunch
(Previously the Assam Reunion Lunch)
At the
Mount Road, Eastbourne, BN20 7HZ,
Telephone: 01323 720647, Website www.hydrohotel.com
Menu 19th April 2016
(A vegetarian choice available, if required, please let me know of any dietary requirements)
Fanned Honeydew Melon with a Peach and Raisin Chutney
Main Course
Char-Grilled Supreme of Chicken with Pesto and a Tomato, Garlic and Basil Sauce, served with a selection of Seasonal Vegetables and Potatoes
Homemade Blackcurrant Ripple Ice Cream on a French Meringue Stand
Fresh brewed Coffee or Tea
Cost for 3 courses £23.95 (including tips)
Accommodation available at £55.00 pppn available for two nights only.
NB You need to book your own rooms please, telephone number: 01323 720647
Those interested in the Lunch should send a cheque for £23.95 for each lunch ordered to: please contact me at [email protected] for details. If you require the tickets before the event, please enclose a self addressed stamped envelope.
NB I took over this task with no funds assigned to this event and I have to pay a deposit of £250 with minimum attendance figures of 40. So, please support this event if you want it to continue. Also I need the numbers asap, as the hotel is asking for confirmation and the deposit.
I hope to have two speakers for this event, one to give us a short overview on the current situation in the Tea Districts of India and Bangladesh and the others subject ‘India Rare Glimps’ a 10 minute cine film from 1939 onwards followed by a PowerPoint presentation of ‘Durga Puja’.