2010 Report and Attendees

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Below is Dacre Mogg, the Convener's Report   
Report on Assam Reunion 2010
27th April  2010

Dacre welcomed everyone to this years Assam Reunion. A particularly warm welcome was extended to the younger generation attendees whose presence was greatly valued as the number of the older generation inevitably declines.

This year 77 attended the reunion, the number being affected by the problems of air travel. Over 90 members had originally accepted the invitation and a further 21 had indicated they were unable to come this year but hoped to be with us next year.

Best wishes were sent by those unable to attend including Bill and Lois Charlier from Spain and David and Cynthia Air from America. David had a particular wish to be here to let everyone know of the changes made to the Koi Hai web site.  In David's absence, Dacre read out a prepared message from David as Editor of
http://www.koi-hai.com giving details of its development.   Copies of the 80,000 hits since it's inception in 1999 were distributed to all tables

A list of 17 names of people who had sadly died during the last twelve months was read out.

Thanks were again expressed for the work done by Clive Roberson who maintains the Koi Hai directory and publishes the twice yearly newsletter,
David Air for his running the Koi-Hai website and for our two photographers Mo Hadfield and David Kincaid.

Dacre raised the often mentioned suggestion that there should be a change of menu but the general impression was that we should stay with cold
selection and pudding which from comments received was thought to be better this year and suited most members.

Phil Bayley then told an amusing if rather naughty story from he and his wife Jennifer's time in Assam.

Dacre ended by thanking The Hydro Hotel management and staff for the excellent arrangements and service they had given and announcing
that the date of next years reunion had been set for   Tuesday 19th April 2011  

  We have to thank Dacre for all his hard work in making the reunion such a success--Editor


              ASSAM REUNION SOUTH EAST 20102010
                              at Eastbourne  April 25
            Attendees List
NameCo./Agency NameCo./Agency
BABER   Ken & Elizabeth                     Williamson MagorBAYLEY Phil & JenniferWilliamson Magor
CISCOLA GabriellaBATTEN AnitaWilliamson Magor
CROW LalliBalmer LawrieGORDON-HAM GeorgetteJorehaut Tea Co
COURTNEY   ShareenITAHADFIED MaureenTocklai & WM's
COURTNEY  Mike & KathyITAKINCAID   David & KimJorehaut Tea Co
DAME Jim & LilyGillandersGRAVES TertiaOctavius Steele
BURNETT KimMORGAN CarolineOctavius Steele
DAVIES  Cethin & IsobelJorehaut Tea CoFLEMING SallyOctavius Steele
DUNLOP  BruceJames WarrenLANE  Alan & JacquelineMcNeil & Barry
DUNLOP  Neil, NicholetteJames WarrenLEETHAM   Ian                   Assam Co
COOMBES Neil & WendyJames WarrenMACKENZIE   Betty    Goodricke's
TESSIER-YANDELL AnnieMcNeil & BarryHALNAN GeraldAndrew Yule
FLETCHER Adele(nee Leetham)             Assam CoHINTON John & JennieAndrew Yule
GARDINER  Ann                 Assam FrontierMELLING   Stanley & Caroline   Gillanders
GINGER Neil & LawrenceMOGG  Dacre & JanetJorehaut Tea Co.
GRAYSTONE  Mike & JudyMacneill & MagorPAISLEY Johnny & SueGillanders
HANDA PranSinglo Tea CoPATEL JaquelineWilliamson Magor
HEMBRY   Digby & Kim                 Williamson MagorPOOLE   Tom & Katie    Assam Co
HUMPHRIES  Robin & Maxine        James WarrenROBERSON  Clive & CarolineJardines
HUTCHISON PamelaJorehaut Tea CoPOOLE George    Assam Co
JOHNSON   Babs             James WarrenROSS   Ian & Judy                       Williamson Magor
ROME Michael & PennyWilliamson MagorROSS  Michael & MarciaWilliamson Magor
ADAMS MichaelWilliamson MagorWHITE PatriciaJardines
PETERS Pamela JardinesRUSHTON   David                Jardines
SOMMERVILLE DavidMcNeil & BarrySCALLON  Holly Jardines
TAYLOR KeithGillanders
GANTRY DyanaWILD DenysJorehaut Tea Co
BROWN CeliaWilliamson MagorMACKIE Rona

Mo Hadfield

? & Caroline Melling

Tercia Graves, Caroline Morgan & Neil Dunlop

Ann Gardner & Katie Poole

Kim Kincaid, Mo Hadfield & Jennie Hinton

Kim Kincaid and Jennie Hinton

Jennifer Bayley

Wendy Coombes

Neil Coombes

Anita Batten

Phil Bayley

Denys Wild and Rona Mackie

Clive Roberson, Cethin Davies and ?

Jackie Lane & Sally Fleming

Neil Ginger and Betty Mackenzie

Adele Fletcher, Lalli Crow, and Ian Leetham

Mike Graystone, Maxine and Robim Humphries

Gerry Halnan

Alan Lane

Patricia White (nee Scallon)

Shareen Courtney & Neil Dunlop

Anne heritage (nee Tessier-Yandell)

Anne Heritage, Mike Ross & David Somerville

Nicholette Dunlop & George Poole

David Rushton

Holly Scallon

John Hinton & Ian Ross

Lawrence Ginger and Caroline Melling

Michael Rome

Kim & Dibgy Hembry