Convener's report to come


List of Attendees


Denys and Debbie Shortt

David and Cynthia Air

Tony Booth

Mike and Kathy Courtney

Stephen Farr

Malcolm and Christine Geary

Digby Hembry

John and Jennie Hinton

Gerald Halnan

Robin and Maxine Humphries

John Ilott

David and Kim Kincaid

John and Sue Lampitt

Charles Miller

Marcus Miller

Margaret Moffat

Janet Mogg

John and Sandy Pearson

Clive and Caroline Roberson

David Rushton

Denys Wild and Rona Mackie

David and Maryisa Willoughby


 July 3  For starters

Here are some photos of the event of July 2 at Stratford

1  above is the cake for Denys Wild's forth coming 90th birthday
with L to Right looking on
Denys Shortt, David Rushton, Denys Wild the birthday boy,  
Maxine Humphries and Rona Mackie


2   Left is Stephen Farr with the birthday celebrator Denys Wild
























3   Left to Right  Jenny Hinton, John Hinton, (back) Gerald Halnan,
Christine and Malcolm Geary,  (Back) Sandy Pearson   Stephen Farr
and John Pearson


 4     Left to Right    Cynthia Air   Kim Kincaid   and   David Kincaid

    5                                         Listening to the speeches

 6   Standiing Left to Right      David Kincaid  and Denys Shortt

    7                                     Denys Wild  and Rona Mackie

 8    Left to Right  Denys Shortt,  David Rushton,  Denys Wild,  

 Maxine  Humphries, and Rona Mackie

 9   Left to Right    Debbie Shortt,  Denys Wild,  Rona Mackie,  Mike Courtney


   10                                            David and Maryisa Willoughby




 11    Clive Roberson



 12   Jennie Hinton   Sandy Pearson,   John Pearson



 13  L to R  Gerry Halnan, John Hinton and Stephen Farr


 14     in background  Mike Courtney,  Digby Hembry

 Foreground Caroline Roberson, Clive Roberson, Marysia  Willoughby



 15                              Cynthia Air   Kim  Kincaid


 16    John and Sue Lampitt,     Mike Courtney,  Kathy Courtney


 17   Kathy Courtney,   David Air,  Cynthia Air





Reunion - Stratford Upon Avon  2015

After the success of our Stratford upon Avon lunch in 2013 we are,
once again, holding another lunch on Thursday, 2nd July 2015. 
The venue will be the Arden Hotel.  Whilst we would not wish to
hold this function anywhere else, it does mean that numbers are
limited due to the size of the restaurant.  If you would like to come
do please book early.

Anyone wishing to book overnight accommodation at the Arden should
contact them direct on 01789 298682.  Denys Shortt has kindly
arranged special rates of £100 for single occupancy and £125 for
double occupancy.  Both rates include breakfast and VAT.