Cowdray Park 2008


July 28 2008
held at Cowdray Park
July 27 2008

Here are the photographs and a list of attendees at the Smudge Smith Tamasha which was held on July 27th at Cowdray Park.The photographers were Peter & Merle Bartlett and Malcolm Geary whom we thank sincerely.

Jennifer Bayley (seated) Miranda Stephenson(red)   Smudge Smith, 
Phil Bayley, Pat Allen (leaning over Smudge)
Colin Bell, & Peter Stephenson

Sam Mackenzie, Maggie McCune 
Peter Wilson, Christine Geary,
Seated Smudge Smith and Pat Allen


Anita Batten, Peter Bartlett's back &
Merle Bartlett

Phil Bayley, Colin Bell, Peter Wilson

Anne Thyne, John Thyne, Sam Mackenzie,  Roy Church and Jennifer Bayley

Peter Stephenson, Anita Batten,
Miranda Stephenson, Pat Allen

Malcolm Geary, Christine Geary, 
Phil Bayley

Peter Bartlett, Diane Bottomley, Peter Wilson, Colin Bell, Anne Thyne

Left to Right: Sam MacKenzie, Maggie McCune,   Peter Wilson, , 
 Christine Geary,  Peter Bartlett (looking down) Peter Stephenson,  
Roy Church, Caroline Roberson,   &  Clive Roberson,   
Sitting are: Smudge Smith &  Pat Allen.


Smudge Smith and Colin Bell

Picture # 12
Standing-- Sam Mackenzie, Maggie McCune, Peter Wilson, Hector, 
Anita Batten, Phil Bayley, Peter Bartlett, Merle Bartlettt, Christine Geary, Colin Bell, Peter Stephenson, Roy Church, Caroline Roberson,
 Clive Roberson, Diana Bottomley, John Thyne, 
Seated-- Jennifer Bayley, Smudge Smith, Pat Allen, Anne Thyne

In order to better see the participants the above picture has been halved 

Standing-- Sam Mackenzie, Maggie McCune, Peter Wilson, Hector, 
Anita Batten, Phil Bayley, Peter Bartlett, Merle Bartlettt, Christine Geary, Seated-- Jennifer Bayley, Smudge Smith,

Standing Peter Stephenson, Roy Church, Caroline Roberson,
 Clive Roberson, Diana Bottomley, John Thyne, 
Seated-- Pat Allen, Anne Thyne

Peter Wilson, Smudge Smith, Vanessa (Birthday House Caretaker)

Anita Batten, Miranda Stephenson, Hector (student), Pat Allen, Merle Bartlett

Malcolm Geary, Christine Geary, Phil Bayley, Colin Bell

The attendance at Smudge's "do"  on Sunday July 27 2008 was:-   Anita Batten Diana Bottomley Maggie McCune Pat Allen Clive & Caroline Roberson John & Anne Thyne Malcolm & Christine Geary Phil & Jennifer Bayley Colin Bell Peter Wilson Roy Church Sam MacKenzie Smudge's brother John Smith & his wife Victoria Smudge's stepdaughter Miranda & her husband Peter Birthday House Caretaker Vanessa (I think!) Peter & Merle Bartlett

Thanks to Smudge Smith 19 Assam Wallahs enjoyed the day renewing old friendships and making new ones