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Assam Directory
Assam Tea Estate Photos
BACSA - Cemeteries in South Asia
Beginnings of Tea
Books on NE India
A Chota Sahib by John Rowntree
A Fortunate Life by Peter Byrne
A Tea Planters Life in Assam by George M. Barker
A Time for Tea: Women, Labor, and Post/Colonial Politics on an Indian Plantation by Piya Chatterjee
And some fell by the wayside by A.R.Tainsh
Assam & North East India Cemeteries & Memorials
Burra Bungalows of North Bengal by Nikhil Kapur
Children of the Raj by Vyvyen Brendon
Darjeeling Ditties and other poems
Darjeeling Pioneers: The Wernicke-St'olke Story by F M J Pinn
Darjeeling: The Colorful History and Precarious Fate of the World's Greatest Tea by Jeff Koehler
Elite Clubs of India
Exodus Burma
Flight By Elephant: The Untold Story of World War Two's Most Daring Jungle Rescue by Andrew Martin
For All the Tea in China: Espionage, Empire and the Secret Formula for the World's Favourite Drink by Sarah Rose
Forgotten Frontier by Geoffrey Tyson
Green Gold: The Empire of Tea by Alan Macfarlane, Iris MacFarlane
Hot Feet and Far Hills -- by Judy Cannon
Indian Tea: Its Culture and Manufacture by Claud Bald
Lands of early dawn - North East India by Romesh Bhattacharji
Merchants of the Raj
Office Chai, Planter’s Brew by S.Muthiah
Race, Tea and Colonial Resettlement
RAF Liberators Over Burma: Flying With 159 Squadron by Bill Kirkness and Matt Poole
Seven Sisters of India
Tea -A Journey in Time: Pioneering and Trials in the Jungle by John Weatherstone
Tea Planter's Daughter by Janet MacLeod Trotter
Tea Tales of Assam - WK Warren
Tea, Addiction, Exploitation and Empire' by Roy Moxham
Tea, Love and War by David Mitchell
Tea, Tennis & Turbulent Times: a slice of Life by Simon Watt
Teatime for the Firefly by Shona Patel
The Darjeeling Distinction: Labor and Justice on Fair-Trade Tea Plantations in India by Sarah Besky
The Other Anglo Women of the Raj
The Pioneers, 1825-1900: The Early British Tea and Coffee Planters and Their Way of Life by John Weatherstone
The Recollections Of A Tea Planter
The RIght Sort of Girl - Anita Rani
The Road to Puthukkad By Gordon Alexander
The Secret Children
The Secrets of The Tea Garden
The Spotted Deer - J Williams
Early Travel to India
Film clips - British Pathe
Films on NE India
Film clips - Teabox.com
Items of Interest
Kohima Educational Trust
Koi-Hai Directory & Old Newsletters
London Tea History Association
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Sino-Indian War 1962
Tea Companies - current
Travelling to North East India
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The Spotted Deer - J Williams