Luxmi Tea Co.

May 29 2012

Ali Zaman tells us that Mr D.Chatterjee, Managing Director of Luxmi Tea Company,
made his 'Bagan Bari', country house, available to Members of the Planters Society
of Eastern India, Calcutta, to meet for an Easter Lunch. 52 mebers attended, some
traveling in a luxury bus to the venue at Amtala, an hours drive from Calcutta. As old
habits dont die, the cooling welcome drink of tender coconuts was laced with vodka
or gin ,by the burras ,who relived .their 'drink ghurao' days. A most enjoyable outing
inspite of the heat of nearly '40 degrees in the shade'.

Below are some photographs of the attendees enjoying the day





Mital Yanger, Nazma Chatterjee

Mutton Birjyani

Ratna Dutt, Era Ghosh

Shireen , Bablu Chowdhuri

Shireen, Shika, Namrata  at Tombolla