The two previous pages of obituaries became full up so from 1/1/2012 this new page has been added. The names are in alphabetical order Please Click on the name to go to the details.
Chris Allen T V Alexander Vic Austin Elizabeth Baber Eve Ball Rupen Banerjee Hemendra Prasad Barooah Probin Bora George Bradley Peter Castle Bill Charlier Dr Daphne Chesshire Nazrul Haque Choudhry Neil Coombes Nandini Datta Pakhi Dasgupta R N (Ruby) Deogun Frank Doyle Bobbie Ducat Bill Duke David Eyton-Jones Chris Fraser Laurie Ginger Mrs Deepa Hazarika Mike Graystone Tim Healey Kim Hembry Richard Highgrove Pamela Hutchison Colin Jackson Ranjana Kaul Nandan Kilpadi Ralph Kynoch John J Lane
Ian Dalton Larkins Ian Leetham David Little Jimmy Macnee
Jiten Mathur John Gordon McIntosh Ajay Mehra Isobel Miller Robin Miller Dacre Mogg Ronald Montgomery Jimmy Mortimer Margaret Mortimer Sarwar Akhtar Nizam Dr Tom Norman Simon Penney Jimmy Pinto Pam Peters
Sandra Quigley M A Rahman Mrs Nuron Richmond Ivan Rufus Holly Scallon Joan Scott Bonny Sen Dick Simpson Richard (Dick) Sparke Pat Soward A K Tiwari (Moti) John Maxwell Trinick Pat Tocher Mavis Trinick Elizabeth Tully John Stanley Waters Grace Weller Michael and Kay Whear Robin Wrangham Shireen Zaman
Npvember 11 2015
Sadly Anthea Wrangham announces the passing of Robin
Could I inform you of the death of my father Alistair Wright (A.I.Y. Wright) formally of the Assam Tea Company, on 12th April 2015.
I am his son David, my sister now lives in New Zealand, I live in Scotland. His wife, my mother Thelma is in poor health now being 92 years old, living in Tenerife.
My parents were in Assam from 1947 to 1962, times I remember particularly fondly. He was a keen polo player, we still have a few cups from Moran and Sibsagar clubs on display. It was interesting to his photo on the Nazira polo team photos in Bill Charliers memories
My childhood wish had always to become a "Tea Planter" like my father. Sadly it never happened.
In loving memory of
23 November 1931 -- 28 October 2015

I am devastated to announce my Robin has died in Queensland, Australia. I was at his bedside and Jonathan and Wendy arrived from England in time to have a couple of quality days with their father.
Robin joined WMs in 1952 working mainly on the North Bank of Assam. His last Estate was Paneery. Robin was the Mangaldai UKCA Chairman for many years. We married in Dibrugarh Church in 1966. Both our children were born in Calcutta. We left India in 1976. Robin worked in London for a few years until we went to Papua New Guinea in late 1980. In 1984/85 we had an interesting year in Cameroon, W. Africa only to return to PNG until Robin retired in 1998. Robin’s agricultural knowledge was greatly enhanced in PNG growing such diverse crops as Tea, Coffee, Palm Oil, Coconut, Cardamom, and Vanilla.
We have had such happy years in Queensland among our many friends. I have decided to remain in Australia for a few more years at least.
Address 7 Rose Gum Court, Palmwoods, Queensland 4555, Australia.
e-mail address thewranghams@gmail .com
October 26 2015
Sadly John J Lane , father of Alan Lane, passed away aged 100 on Sunday 25th October 2015--more information will follow
October12 2015
We are told that Elizabeth Baber has died and the funeral will be next Monday October 19--more details will follow
To husband Ken we offer our sincere condolences
September 26 2015
It is with great sadness we have to announce the sudden death on 21st April 2015 of Jimmy Pinto aged 80 late of Milton Keynes, England. He died of a massive heart attack at home.
Jimmy leaves a wife, Nancy, son Steven and family and daughter Jackie. Jim and Nancy were married for 53 years and lived in India till November 1967 when they moved to England.
Jim had a varied career working in tea in India and with Thames Water in the UK. Jim worked in the tea industry for many years working for McLeod's Tea Company and Gillanders Tea Company. Some of the tea estates he spent time on were in Assam for a period of 4 years and then in the Dooars for 5 years. In the nine years in tea he was on Dejoo Valley TE, Tasati TE, Binnaguri TE, Grassmore TE, Telepara TE, and Dalgon TE. His role in tea was that of a production engineer.
After leaving tea he worked in England for Thames Water Authority as a shift engineer for 27 years before he decided to retire.
Jimmy will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Sent on behalf of the Pinto family.
August 18 2015 Babs Johnson tells us :
Pamela Hutchison
Just a note to give you more sad news for the Koi-hai that dear Pamela Hutchinson alias Dick Clifford's ex wife sadly died last Tuesday 11th August at Deal with her daughter Sarah and husband Peter at her bedside. Private family funeral on 26th August.
Pam and Dick Clifford lived in Jorhat, Assam. Then Pam married Ken Hutchinson and lived in Darjeeling, think he was ABITA. They both retired to England. Pam was an avid bridge player and golfer and carried on when she retired...Pam attended many Estbourne Reunions
richarddicksparkeAugust 8 2015
Peter Byrne tells us:
Richard (Dick) Sparke,
one time tea planter with the Dooars Tea Company, WW11 RAF Catalina pilot, tiger hunting partner and long time friend of Peter Byrne, passed away on the 22nd July, age 92, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, where he lived since leaving India.
July 24 2015
Jimmie Bain tells the Editor
Dorothy Cowe
Passing on the sad news that Dorothy Cowe died on Wednesday, Sandy who was with McNeil Barry died some time ago, he was amongst other gardens on Bhuteachang ,when I first met him in 1952, Some of our older Planters may know them from their Upper Assam days. at Greenwood and Upper Assam. Aye Jimmie.
17 July 2015
This is added as the item is topical today
John Gordon McIntosh
John Gordon McIntosh."Mr John Gordon McIntosh (Manager, Bukhial , 1938-50), nicknamed Mac, had his own personal Aeronica Chief single enginepropellerairplane which he would fly himself,accompanied by his German Shepherd! On 11 May 1957, whilst he was posted at Dighulturrung T.E., he flew down to Bukhial to meet Mr Archie Bell and, to the amazement of all, landed on the football field! A series of joy rides ensued the next morning but, unfortunately, the plane caught fire and crashed. Despite all efforts, Mr McIntosh did not survive and was buried in a cemetery in Golaghat. Chetan, a worker who had rushed into the flaming aircraft to save ‘McIntosh sahab’ was awarded a gold medal for his bravery by the Deputy Commissioner of Golaghat soon after the accident.
"He was buried at Golaghat British Cemetery.It was also said that Mr Jalal Ahmed and his ancestors from late Abdul Aziz look after this cemetery very well,spending a little bit of money...
June 21 2015
Sandra Quigley

Sandra Quigley
Sandra Angelina Mary Quigley (3 Feb 1946 - 29 May 2015)
It’s a very great shock to inform you that my mother Angelina Mary Quigley (nee Morris), also known as Sandra, passed away suddenly from an undiagnosed brain tumour, whilst on Bryher, the Isles of Scilly on Friday 29th May.
Despite the best efforts of paramedics, the Search and Rescue helicopter and hospital staff, Sandra could not be ‘saved’ and her organs were offered for donation, though not used.
Throughout her life, she was a student, a receptionist, administrator, wife, mother, home business entrepreneur, gardener, worked for the BBC World Service, their pensions conference organizer, and massage therapist – a teacher, a writer and a friend to one and all.
Mum had so many talents, and she was generous in sharing them with us all – in having to break the sad news to you all of her passing, many of you have used similar expressions to describe her to me, graceful, kind, calm – whatever the circumstances, wise with a wicked sense of humour! Others describe her as a wonderful person, someone you were blessed to have known. She had such compassion in a gentle way. Universally, she was described as a lovely lady – and she always had a smile, described especially as a magical sparkling smile. In going through some of her things … I found this poem
Smiling is infectious
You can catch it like the flu
When someone started smiling
I started smiling too
I passed around the corner
And someone saw my grin,
when he smiled I realized,
I’d passed it on to him
I thought about the smile
And then realized it’s worth
A simple smile like mine
Could travel round the earth
If you feel a smile begin
Don’t leave it undetected
Let’s start an epidemic
And get the world infected.
So what of her life, she along with the whole Morris family have an interesting story to tell – of being born in Digboi, Assam - India, being kept home until younger Trevor was old enough to join Heather Alex and Coral at school at the convent boarding school in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains a 3 day train ride away. Of being in Burma and India after the second world war, of emigrating with the family to Northampton in the 60s, and then living with Great Aunty Lucy in Golders Green – of travelling Europe with her friend Stevie, meeting my Dad, and moving to live in unusual places like Belgrade where I was born, back to Scotland where Martin was born and then Algeria until we escaped in a camper van before we settled in West Finchley, London.
I remember growing up with a mum who would look after elderly neighbours, like Edie taking her to Tesco and doing her garden, who would go on school camp with Mr Godwin, our slightly odd headteacher, another school ski trip to Italy where the family tagged along – aside from my brother being put in a cold shower by my dad aged 14 cos he’d drunk a can of beer, I think that’s an occasion where I saw her fiery temper as she vented her frustration with the rather gorgeous Italian ski instructor whose ‘Sandra Sandra Sandra – open ze back’ trying to get her to snowplough finally caused her to snap - and if I hadn’t taught her to ski down the mountain – she might still be stuck half way up the Dolomites, frozen to death – and we all know she didn’t like the cold. I remember her getting up early to help me with my paper-round, so she knew I was safe. I remember her teaching me and martin how to cook dinner, so if she was out on her gardening business, dinner would be on the table when she and Dad got home. I remember her involvement in Ladies Circle, following Dad’s part in Round Table – and all the crazy – award winning fancy dress costumes she spent hours making for Finchley Carnival – the rubiks cube, the matchbox (me) and the matchstick (Martin) – don’t think he liked that on very much as he couldn’t walk or run in it! It was mum who was the taxi to Brownies, swimming lessons and when I was older, it was Mum who taught me to drive Ruby her bright red former Dutch LHD VW camper van, after I’d passed my driving test and even allowed me and Sophie to take Ruby to Glastonbury – all our cars had names. It was Mum who made me self-sufficient and independent
Mum became a great friend to many through her massage work, her yoga classes, through her charity work, her time in the pub and the great parties and barbeques she threw. Her allotment fed many people in the village and beyond. Her entertaining involved lots of delicious food that she seemed to conjure up with what seemed minimal effort. She was like a little pixie who knew when to appear with a friendly word, a jar of chutney, to help with babysitting or bath-time and to provide a pint of gin and tonic!
If you were privileged enough to go on holiday with her then you’ll know her laughter, smile and penchant for a G&T or glass of wine. Be it Portugal, Nerja, Australia, Jordan – the Scilly Isles, the Maldives or going back to Burma with Lillie and Trevor she had a way of just going with the flow. I found her diary entry of her trip with Pegs and Trev and Lillie to Burma
Burma diary entry – 7th March 2012
“Feeling quite emotional about returning to Burma after nearly 60 maybe more years as I cant remember how old I was or what year it was – must ask Heather. I’m bring my Dad back home, mum of course too, but Dad always wanted to return to Burma. I feel as if my ancestors are crowding around inside my head in anticipation of returning home. Trevor says he’s feeling emotional too. As the plane touched down on Burmese soil, I grabbed Trevor’s hand and held it – tears rolling down my face. “
Having Maya over ten years ago seemed to give my Mum a new lease of life. I remember her – and I kid you not, peeking through the crack in the theatre door when I was rushed for an emergency caesarean. Mum’s presence around her grandchildren was stupendous and her support amazing – even flying to Cyprus after that scary Australia trip and then returning a total of nine times I think during our 2 and half years there often staying for weeks at a time. And yet again, she embedded herself amongst everyone affections and developed some great friendships which endured to the present day.
After her sudden death, I found the Good Granny guide in her room bookmarked at this paragraph
“The first time you hold your first grandchild is unforgettable. You will have imagined the longed-for event but the reality the deep satisfaction, the pride, the gratitude and the sheer love you fell transcends anything you imagined. One grandmother used C.S.Lewis’ words ‘surprised by joy’ to describe the feeling. What is more for most grandparents that the moment of pure joy is only the first of many. It returns at unexpected moments, brought upon by such trivia as a tiny fist punching the air during a nappy change, a small hand clutching a squashed blackberry, a first somersault – and exam passed’
For mum – some of those moments will include – watching martial arts classes, taking the kids to swimming lessons, walking on the beach with Merlin, baking cakes with the kids, doing granny dancing with Woody during Strictly or BGT. Listening to Maya practice her piano and bassoon. Watching them burst with pride in the nativity or being star pupils or piano exam results. So it seemed fitting that Maya should play some music
[The moonlight shadow – Pam Wedgewood Faber music]
Leaving Swavesey was a massive wrench for all, but in hindsight what a blessing for us – I’ll be honest, we learned to compromise in the kitchen. Mum was easy to have around, and she began a writing course – if you privileged to hear her Papa Woo Woo stories, you were very lucky and I would so like to be able to get them published in her memory.
And to finally remember mum, her wicked sense of humour – here’s a letter I found about a car parking ticket she incurred – or didn’t!
To the Aldi Parking management team – following a conversation with your customer services I am writing about a parking notice I received. I overstayed by 19 mins. The truth is, there is so much to see and such bargains to be had at Aldi’s that I got carried away and overstayed the time, only just making it home in time to collect my grandchildren from school as it happens. I could have stayed longer, by choice, but I suddenly realized I’d be hard=pressed to collect the kids
Anyway I hope you can help me out here. I’ll unfortunately just have to curb the time spent in the store. Nuts to that!!
Many thanks
Sandra Quigley
It seems her sense of humour got her let off the fine!!
We all have our special memories of her – whether it be her black and then fading purple hair, her conjuring up of sweets from behind a kids ear – her Papa Woo stories, her dancing, her sitting with a pint of G&T, her driving Ruby, her fancy dress jousting, her cooking her gardening, or her shoulder to cry on. Sandra leaves a gaping chasm in all our loves, though we thank the Lord that we had such good recent memories with you – that she didn’t suffer, and now rests in peace with her son, Martin.
Tina Bessell
June 1 2015
Bill Duke
Sadly we have to advise of the passing of Bill Duke He served with the James Finlay group of gardens mainly in Upper Assamin the 50's Naharani, Hatigore and Lattakujan then with the Makum Assam Co. at Diriok TE.
To his family we extend our condolences
May15 2015
John M Trinick

Mr.J M Trinick’s smile radiated warmth which was testimony to his friendly nature. A personality who believed in working with exactitude. His reputation as a tea taster was considered to be amongst the best in the world. His acumen on the manufacture of tea and its quality was incredible ------------- Deepak Rikhye
Here we have an appreciation of John's life in Tea by Deepak Rikhye
Mr. John Maxwell Trinick:
By: Deepak Rikhye.
“Out Of Many, One.”
Charles Darwin described the human brain as, “Mankind’s God like intellect.” We can never refute these words. Our research going back thousands of years, in the case of Pythagoras, has proved that people with remarkable intelligence have been part of mankind’s history. Personalities who in various spheres had excelled and who will forever remain in those pages of history. Let us trace a few exceptional people from the past and then focus on one person who left us on 12th May, 2015. A personality whose name will forever remain in tea’s history. His name was Mr. John Maxwell Trinick.
It was Pythagoras the Greek, who in 550 BC, discovered the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. He explained how a right angle is formed when two perpendicular lines intersect. A word , hypotenuse, came about which signified the longest side of a right triangle. Thus evolved the famous Pythagorean Theorem. My reader may question the relevance of Pythagoras in this narrative. The relevance is justified; it is comparable to any personality who has studied a particular subject. It applies to a person who had invented something. At the same time those personalities may not have devoted themselves entirely to one subject. For example, Pythagoras, apart from studying mathematics, also studied philosophy and incredibly after hearing the sounds of a hammer hitting an anvil, in a blacksmith’s shop, the musical sounds from the metal he explained was the result of a mathematical equation.
Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone was one subject he worked on. But Bell also studied aeronautics and hydrofoils.
Charles Babbage who invented the computer, in 1832, also studied mechanical engineering.
By studying these examples we will similarly understand that although Mr. Trinick was a tea taster of world wide fame, he nevertheless also invented a machine and helped conceptualize other inventions too. This elucidates an example of scientists I have written on; most of them did not necessarily work on only one subject. We will read with amazement that Mr. Trinick’s studies encompassed many chapters of tea, its manufacture and the subject in its entirety. His intelligence and brilliance was further exemplified because he perpetuated a relevant precept of Albert Einstein: “ Most of the fundamental ideas of science are simple…” By translating his understanding of tea into simple language , Mr. Trinick made it possible for every tea planter to grasp the intrinsic value of tea manufacture and its focus on quality. Probir Das, NK Devaya and Udhav Baruah are a few experts who had over the years assimilated Mr. Trinick’s theories. They are part of a dynamic management the Williamson Magor Group is endowed with.
In fact, Mr.Trinick and the WM Group had always emphasized the importance of innovation, expansion and modernization. They perpetuated an ethos with these factors. The sinar moisture meter and the development of packing tea in such a manner that packed tea is not allowed to lose even a fraction of its quality. We must remember that although Mr.Trinick’s expertise was monumental in terms of contribution to tea, his famous invention the ‘Trinick Sorter’ is remarkable. The machine permits tea to retain its quality with minimal handling and the savings in terms of cost is phenomenal. His invention protected quality and economics. When this machine was launched members of the tea industry were spellbound. The design embraced Albert Einstein’s precept; it was simple to the extent that a visual glimpse explained the ‘ Trinick Sorter’s’ unbelievable potential.
“ Quality is never an accident it is always the result of intelligent effort. There must be the will to produce a superior thing.” Our search for a description of Mr. Trinick’s efforts has been fulfilled by these words of John Ruskin.
Mr. JM Trinick’s tenacity and dedication continued in all those beautiful tea gardens of the WM Group. Can we quantify the years of his involvement with tea? This is aptly answered in William Shakespeare’s words; Mr.Trinick’s odyssey in tea was “ over a wide gap of time.”
The funeral will take place at 12noon on Thursday May 28, 2015 at the Torquay Crematorium in Devon. Flowers from family only.
Donations in memory of Mr John Trinick should be made as follows:
In the UK
Donations in memory of Mr John Trinick be made in favour of the “DEVON AIR AMBULANCE TRUST“ and cheques should be sent to the Funeral Directors to the address below:
J&G Perrott 15 Duncombe Street Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 1LR Tel : 01548 852302
In India
Donations in memory of Mr John Trinick be made in favour of the “MORAN BLIND SCHOOL” and cheques should be sent to Mrs. Norma Ahmed at the address below:
Mrs Norma Ahmed McLeod Russel India Limited Four Mangoe Lane 9th Floor
Kolkata 700001
May 12 2015
Mrs Deepa Hazarika
Sadly we have to report the passing of Mrs Deepa Hazirika in Delhi on May 12 2015, She was the widow of Nasim Hazarika ex Williamson Magor & Co
May 12 2015
John Maxwell Trinick
It is with much sadness that we wish to inform that Mr John Maxwell Trinick passed away this morning after a brief illness.
Mr Trinick had a very long association with the Assam tea industry and the Williamson Magor Group and will be deeply missed by all of us.
The funeral arrangements will be intimated in due course.
Condolence messages may be sent to [email protected] and will be forwarded to his family.
With condolences Management and Staff of Mcleod Russel India Limited
April 2 2015
Ranjana Kaul
Richard Leitch tells us:
that Ranjana Kaul passed away two weeks ago. She was the wife of Ashok Kaul VA of Mcleod Russell and the mother of Pavan Kaul, also Magors and Mcleod Russell, and Radhika Barthakur. Ashok is well and life goes on. Please pass on to the Koi Hai newsletter.
March 30 2015
Kim Hembry
Sadly we have to report the passing of Kim Hembry husband of Digby Her funeral was on March 17 and very well attended with around 130 attendees To Digby and family we send our sincere condolences
March 23 2015
Mr Sarwar Akhtar Nizam
The Editor has been informed by Manzurul Haque:
We are grieved to inform that Mr. Sarwar Akhter Nizam, ex-Finlays Planter, breathed his last on 22nd March, 2015 morning at Chittagong, after prolonged illness.
The services he rendered in Tea and Rubber Plantation and the contribution he made to the industry will be remembered for all time to come.
He was a good soul and a soft spoken person liked by all. He will always remain in our memory.
March 8 2015
Margaret Moffat tells us :
Jimmy Macnee
"Sadly Jimmy Macnee died in London, he was in the Jhanzie Jokai company and was the brother of the actor Patrick Macnee". He was the last of a group of planters of which my late husband Peter Moffatt was one.
In addition on Aug 1 2015
I read of the passing of Jimmie McNee and send my deepest condolences, we were friends with Jimmie and Charlotte way back in 1965.
January 17 2015
Jimmie Bain tells us;
I have just heard Robin MIller died on January the 10th Robin was with the Jokai Janzie company, a very good rugby player he was instrumental in raising a team of planters in the late 50's to take part in the All India Rugby tournament in Calcutta, no mean feat considering the difficulty in gathering players from all over the tea districts He and Isobel retired to Findhorn and were very active in sailing becoming commodore of the sailing club. Interestingly as was Dr Duncan Macnought a former Assam tea company CMO. Our deepest sympathy go to Colin, Susan and Catherine.
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December 31 2014
Elizabeth Tully
Margaretha Simpson tells us, sadly of the the death of Dick Tully's daughter Elizabeth peacefully at Roxburghe House in Aberdeen on Friday 12 December 2014 - aged 48 years - dearly loved wife of Gordon, most cherished sister of Elaine, much loved friend of Alison, and also a good and thoughtful friend of many. The funeral took place on Monday 22 December - when cousins and friends in Nepal and Canada remembered her at the same time.
We extend to her family our condolences.
December 1 2014
Simon Penney
Larry Brown tells us that Simon Penney, who joined the Namdang Tea Company in Margherita in the late 1950's has died at his home in London on the 27th November. He was 83 years old and had been in poor health for some time. He is sadly missed by his old 'tea' friends.
November 25 2014
Michael Whear and Kay Whear
Sadly, Alison Allan tells us that Michael Whear has died. He was a visiting engineer with Duncan Brothers and Octavious Steele. Sadly we have to report that Michael's wife Kay died shortly after him We send our condolences to their family
October 31 2014
Bonny arrived in tea in the spring of 1976 and apart from yours truly, there were Junu Rana and Nandan Kilpadi at the aerodrome. On being introduced to them, they asked her if she had seen a tea bush.The moment they knew that she hadn't, Junu pointed to the Sal trees on the other side of the runway at Tezpur airport and said that ladders were used to pluck leaves from those trees to make tea. On the way to Gogra bungalow, she saw a patch of guataemala and appreciated how well corn (Bhutta) grew in these parts ! Late in the evening, Bonny seemed perturbed by the sound of drums that seemed to be approaching the bungalow and stopping at the bungalow gate. Images of Phantom and the jungle tom tom flashed across her mind despite all my assurances. I brought her to the veranda, much to her consternation but to the delight of the tea garden workers. They gifted her a basket full of rice topped up with eggs, washed her hands, sang and danced for an hour or so before leaving, after gifts were exchanged.
After a decade with the old company and a few more years at a friend's property, we left for the Dooars/Terai. Social life in these parts was largely kept alive by planters from Duncans, ex agency house planters and some vivacious people ( non planters). As usual, Bonny was among the liveliest members like in the other clubs in Assam. Friends and associates still recall her generous hospitality. Bonny's Brinjal spread has traveled far and wide and is yet to be duplicated.
During our stay in the Terai, Bonny started teaching at The Good Shepherd Convent. In the nine years of her teaching at the school, some life long bonds were formed with her colleagues who admired her for her great organisational skills, meticulous planning, her sense of humour and her beautiful golden voice that belted out English, Hindi and Bengali songs with equal felicity. One of her favourite songs was Miriam Makeba's 'Malaika'.
Our stay in the Dooars from the early 90's was beautiful too. Bonny inspired many young ladies at The Central Dooars Club. She involved herself with some cultural events at the club. She had a zest for life and a deep sense of affection for all. The bungalow at Mogulkata T.E had a menagerie of pets which included three dogs, two ganders, two rabbits, a hare, a peacock and a small aviary. The carol singing sessions by the fireplace were memorable.
Post retirement, our life in Siliguri was quite relaxed in our cozy flat. Our daughters, Madhumita (married to Pranjal Neog) and Malavika (married to Sanjeev Shukla), have settled down well and have their beautiful families. Much of our lives revolved around our adorable grandsons,Dhritiman and Aahaan.
Things started changing with Bonny's health requiring frequent medical attention. It took a turn for the worse when she was diagnosed with end stage renal disease and a weak heart condition . She had to be hospitalized several times in the last year and a half. Bonny fought on courageously with all she had in her. She left for her heavenly abode on the evening of 24th September 2014, in the comfort of her home, surrounded by her loved ones.
May your loving soul rest in peace Bonny..
Ashok Sen
October 25 2014
Joan Scott
Sadly we have learned from Alison Allan that Joan Scott has died peacefully in hospital in Edinburgh on 24th October 2014 aged 94. Joan was a cousin of Alison's husband Duncan. Joan was a great character and a contributor to the Koi-Hai web site Her story of travelling in a Troopship back to UK from Calcutta with hundreds of servicemen is amusing We will miss her . Her funeral is at Warriston Crematorium Edinburgh . on Friday 7th. Nov. at 12.30.
October 21 2014
Pat Tocher
Patricia Margaret (Ross) Pat, as she was most commonly known, died peacefully after a short battle with cancer at the Costa del SolHospital, Marbella, Spain on 24 August 2014. Her family were grateful for the time they had with her in her final weeks; she leaves husband, Douglas, children, Catherine and Graham, daughter in law, Jo, son in law, Keith, 8 grandchildren, sister, Alison (Allan, nee Ross), brother, James, many nieces , nephews and friends. She has left a huge hole in all our lives, but everyone of us is comforted by the fact that she is now without pain and at peace.
Patricia Margaret Tocher (Ross) 1937-2014

Mum passed away on 24 August 2014 after a short battle with cancer. In her final weeks she had visits from her 2 children, Catherine and Graham, her daughter in law, Jo and son in law Keith, all of her 8 grandchildren and big sister, Alison. Throughout all her time at home and latterly in hospital her constant companion was with her, taking excellent care of her and seeing to her every need – husband Douglas. Married on 17 September 1960, they shared many journeys culminating in them retiring to Los Boliches, Fuengirola, Costa del Sol, Spain.
Pat, as she was commonly and affectionately known, was born in Indiaon 10 May 1937. The second daughter to Jimmy and Kitty Ross who already had daughter, Alison and son James followed after Pat. She attended AlbynSchool. Her early working life was mainly in Edinburgh working in the Civil Service, returning to Aberdeen to take up a new position in 1960, but this was not to be as this was when she met Tea Planter, Douglas; they became engaged on 11 June 1960 and were married at Beechgrove Parish Church on 17 September 1960 and left for the land of her birth, India.
In Assam, India she lived the life of a memshib spending time at Golaghat, Jorhat and Doom Dooma. In 1961 daughter Catherine was born and in 1964 son Graham came along. Family complete, many happy and carefree years were spent there, moving from one of the Company’s tea estates to another. The children returned to the UK to attend boarding schools– Catherine to Albyn and Graham to Lathallan. In the late 1970’s Pat returned to Aberdeen closely followed by Douglas, when the children became day pupils, Catherine still at Albyn and Graham now back in Aberdeen attended Robert Gordon’s. Pat & Douglas ran a couple of newsagents/cafes – the Queen’s Road Cafe or Quarry Shop and the Vale Papershop. Pat also co-owned a successful slimming club, Sympathetic Slimming, a devoted dieter herself, she was well equipped to run such a business. However, the call of a warmer climate was calling them and in the winter of 1984 they left for the Costa del Sol. There they settled and ran a bar, The Brigg, after which they retired. Pat, always one for keeping busy taught Spanish in her spare time. She played Bridge and also managed a few holiday apartments – her reputation for high standards of cleanliness made her a popular property manager.
However, the onset of ill health was to put a stop to her activities and she spent many years travelling to MalagaHospital to receive blood transfusions and other treatment. Throughout this she remained positive and never gave up hope of a cure. Douglas began taking over as Carer for Pat, never once complaining, he was her stalwart and constant companion.
Her visits to the UK were less and less as she became unable to undertake such a journey. But Catherine and Graham remember the support she gave us when her grandchildren were babies and toddlers. Staying with us, becoming chief cook and bottlewasher (and doing the huge piles of ironing!) – help which was greatly welcomed and appreciated. And it was her chance to get to know her grandchildren who were quite literally her pride and joy.
Wife, mum, mum in law, grandma, sister, auntie and friend, Mum you will leave a huge hole in our lives – the memories you leave us will comfort us until we meet again, God Bless You.
August 29 2014
Alison Allan, sadly tells us that her sister Pat passed away
Pat, beloved wife of Douglas (Doug) Tocher died peacefully on Sunday twenty
Fourth August 2014 in Costa De Sol Spain after a short illness
We extend our sincere condolences to Doug Tocher
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September 12 2014
Probin Bora
Jasbir S Randhawa sadly tells us
I’m most sorry to inform you that Probin Bora, General Manager of Langharjan Tea Estate (The Jorehaut Tea Limited), passed away this morning (12.09.2014) at Langharjan T.E., after an apparent heart attack. His funeral took place this evening at Langharjan T.E., Naharkatia, Dist. Dibrugarh, Assam. He is survived by his wife, Ivy and two sons.
Probin had spent almost his entire career at Langharjan, as an Asst. Manager, Manager, and GM. Thanks to him, the estate is today amongst the top-ranked in yield and prices, and Langharjan is a very sought-after mark.
Probin was a very warm, friendly, and extremely helpful person, and a thorough gentleman. He was a pillar of the planting community, and his contribution to the society around him will long be remembered. He was an outstanding sportsman, and excelled at football. He was a very active member of the Naharkatia Planters Club. He will be sorely missed.
In grief,
Jasbir ********************************** September 18 2014
Malcolm Geary sent the folowing to the Editor to show his appreciation of Probin
Dear Editor,
I enclose a few pics in memory of Probin, son of the Deohall head mistry in 1960. I met him in 2013 & saw straight away the Langharjan factory & garden looked in spanking condition, superbly maintained. His Dad's tool list might not survive the copy/paste & scan process but I send it anyway.
He was admired by all.
Malcolm Geary

Probin Bora taken by Malcolm Geary in 2013

View from the Burra Bungalow
*********************** Below is the Tools List ----The second page is clearer but
the best I could do--Editor

Malcolm added the following plus the two dance photos--thank you Malcolm
I'm glad to be associated with Probin's memory on the Koi-Hai website. The garden labour insisted he be cremated the day he died in accordance with Hindu custom. They were devoted to Probin & put on a dance routine in 2013 suddenly, heres the evidence

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May 20 2014
Dr Daphne Chesshire
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of
Dr Daphne Chesshire on Thursday evening of the 19th June 2014.
The funeral is at Preshute Church, Manton, Marlborough
To her daughter Sarah and son Nik we extend our sincere condolences. **************************************************** August 13 2014
The funeral address by the Reverend David Maurice
for Daphne Chesshire
This is a sad day for all of you who knew and loved Daphne and in the days and months ahead will miss her. But it is also an opportunity, as we meet here, to give thanks for her - for a life well lived - and to remember all that she meant to us.
Daphne was born in Seaton Carew in County Durham into a very large family. Durin the war their house was requisitioned so they moved to Osmotherley in North Yorkshire and she went to boarding school in the Lake District. She then read medicine at Durham University based in Newcastle, and it was here that she met and married Arthur who was a more mature medical student having been in the RAF during the war. After qualifying they went to Assam as doctors covering a huge area of tea plantations.
They loved their time there working hard and making many friends with whom they kept up with till very recently.
On their return to England Arthur rejoined the RAF and they lived in Gloucestershire, Singapore and finally settled in Wiltshire and she worked as a full time specialist in paediatrics, a job she loved. It was from this time that I got to know Daphne as a local GP and I remember that she did school medicals on my own primary school aged children.
Sarah and Robert were born before and during the India years, Nicholas was born much later after they returned from India.
She was a devoted wife and mother and always passionately interested in her large extended family and friends. As a person she had huge strength of character, she survived a very serious burning accident in childhood, several brain tumour and skin cancer operations. She also suffered the sudden death of her much loved middle child Robert - something I know from personal experience to be quite devastating and always remains with one.
She was highly intelligent and well read, inquisitive and interested in absolutely everybody. She was also liberal and open minded. I hear she pretended not to notice her two grandsons sneaking their friends into her garden to smoke secretly when they were pupils at Marlborough college. She had a terrific sense of humour and loved to laugh. She was generous, gregarious and always loved a party and she will be greatly missed by her two children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and many friends.
The last years of her life were not easy with her declining health. She braved the illness and incapacity with great stoicism and died peacefully and painlessly looked after by caring and kind nurses in a home in the Cotswolds.
But as Christians, we believe that death does not have the last word. The hymn we sang at the start - The day thou gavest Lord is ended - is a well known evensong hymn but is also, for good reason, often sung at funerals.
The imagery it evokes - that as the sun sets at the end of the day it is also rising in another part of the world - can also apply to life. The 'day' of Daphne's life has cometo a close - and for those that miss her it can seem that darkness has descended.
But for Daphne - she has moved on to another world where there is new dawn and the light of Christ shines forth. That is what Paul speaks of in the reading from 2 Corinthians. He knew what it was to experience his outer nature to be wasting awaybut he did not lose heart because he had the expectation of something that lay beyond what could be seen to something unseen - 'glory beyond all measure'. St John had a vision of this new world to come in which God would be at the centre - where every tear would be wiped away and there would be no more mourning and crying, and pain would be no more.
I think that Daphne believed in that. She was certainly a regular church goer and when it was difficult to attend church, she valued the monthly little communion service in her flat in Castle Court with some of the other residents there.
So with that faith and expectation, today we commend Daphne into the hands of God, giving thanks for all she meant to us and that now her time of suffering is at an end as she enters that unseen world.
That unseen world is not far away - it is a different dimension which interlocks with our world. Ancient Celtic spirituality speaks of 'thin' places - places where the veil between heaven and earth is thin. That is true of any place where people meet to worship.
So now we are going to sing our next hymn which reflects that feeling. It is quiet and meditative - evoking the presence of God in this place. I suggest we remain sitting as we sing this as a prayer which will be followed by further pray
July 18 2014
John Stanley Waters
The Editor received the following from Ranga Bedi telling us of the passing of John S Waters
Dear folks,
I am sad to let you know that John passed away peacefully on 26th June at Coonoor..We were together in March when Umi and I were up there for ten days. Physically he was fine
but showed distinct signs of dementia setting in, his hearing had also diminished considerably..
This prompted me to convince him to go home.Though he was reluctant he did agree that it would be the right thing to do,said he would go in April.I had arranged with late Partu Kaula's son Rahul to book his ticket when he was ready to go.However in April he said he would like to wait till it got warmer in England.In early May when I spoke to him on the phone he was positively reluctant to go.About the third week of May Rahul,who treated him like a father told me that John was sleeping a lot and was irregular with his meals.he was diagnosed with acute Dehydration,put on the drip for a day.Though he felt better the Doctor did note an irregularity in his heart beat associated with old age.
Shortly after he went to a Cardiac Speciality hospital in Coimbatore for a check who confirmed the heart beat irregularity and suggested some tests.,John declined and returned to Coonoor against Doctors advice..
I spoke to Cindy and asked her or a family member to come out to take him home.This was not possible so I arranged for a friends son to travel with John.he did not like the idea.. Umi and I were going to the U.S. for our Grand daughters wedding on 17th June via London. John agreed to go with us and his ticket was booked I also arranged wit BA for a seat next to us.John steadily went down hill ,his ticket had to be Cancelled. this situation continued ,he refusing treatment. He passed away peacefully on the 26th of June. Cindy came out on the 29th and returned on the 6th of July.
We must salute young Rahul Kaula for tirelessly holding John's hand in his last days including arranging a dignified funeral for him.
Please inform others that knew him.
July 20 2014
In addition here is a message to Derek Perry from Rex Naug who expresses his melancholy on the passing of John Waters
Hi Derek,
I am reluctant to be the harbinger of such sombre tidings, however the guilt of failing to pass this on would be even more unbearable. I received the attached email from Ranga Bedi last night, and having tossed and turned all night, I decided to selectively share the burden of this melancholy announcement with those, who like yourself, were close to John even though nearly half a century may have elapsed since your last meeting with him. Memories of our youth, and the personalities associated with those halcyon times are held dear to us. The spontaneous outpouring of grief from John's many friends and colleagues bear testimony to the esteem in which he was held. I personally knew John from 1958 (when he was manager of Konikor-Dalim) until his departure in 1967. John and Cindy came to say good-bye while handing over their gorgeous Siamese cat "Suki" to our custody, before departing Assam for good. Our next meeting with John and Cindy was in 1968 when we visited them in Bournemouth. It occurred to me then that John was a misfit in England. Fifteen years later John tracked me down in Stevenage while we were holidaying in England, to seek a position within the organisation that I was heading at the time, in Papua New Guinea. I was fortunate in being able to fit him into the organisation, and despite my warning that the (cardamom) plantation that I had in mind was very remote and accessible only by air, he accepted the offer with alacrity. He arrived in Papua New Guinea (on his own since he and Cindy had split) three months later, not knowing the first thing about cardamom, but I held on to the outgoing manager George Rosario, a man of vast experience in cardamom in South India, to give John some basic grounding in the cultivation and processing of cardamom. In the meantime I recruited a technically savvy cardamom assistant from South India to help John, and built a couple of houses for them at Karimui. I routinely flew into Karimui twice a week and flew John out from Karimui once a fortnight in my Cessna 182 to shop for groceries and supplies and we had many a nostalgic weekend together reminiscing over times in Assam. I am so happy that we did. John had a special way with children and mine were very attached to him.
After I left New Guinea in 1986, John found employment at Warrawou Tea Estate near Mt.Hagen (now called Warren Tea Plantation after a change in ownership) and he later moved to Kimel Plantation (coffee) in the Wahgi Valley, which had been under the purview of my control when I headed the agency NPMA. Here John seemed to have found his niche and stayed on until he was about 75 years of age. He visited us from time to time when passing through Brisbane en route to other destinations while on leave. He retired to England and did not appear to like it much, for he contacted me and asked about the prospects of migrating to Australia. Having just applied (unsuccessfully) to sponsor my UK resident mother-in-law for residence in Australia on grounds of family reunion, I was unable to hold out much hope for John to migrate to Australia, and on advice from Ranga Bedi, I suggested to John that he try gaining residential status in India (Coonoor) where many retired expatriate planters live in comfort in a very pleasant environment with funds stretching a very much longer way than they do in the UK. John moved to Coonoor and enjoyed his retirement there but complained that he was finding the journey from India to the UK to visit his family a bit too arduous and he toyed with the notion of settling in Spain for the twin advantages of climate and proximity to England. He never did follow up on this notion. He celebrated his 80th birthday at Coonoor which was attended by Cindy and her daughters and many former planter friends of John, resident in India.
Sadly the decline set in and John's health steadily deteriorated. Ranga has captured it all in his email. By my reckoning, John would have been 84 at his death, but I could be wrong. Sadly, yet another star has been extinguished from the galaxy but we should all take comfort from the fact that he is now in a better place. Gone but not forgotten - Rest In Peace John.
Aug 1 2015
In addition Dorothea Dysart said
I do want to say also that I was so moved by the beautiful words written by a Rex Naug paying tribute to John Waters.
Dorothea Dysart
April 14 2014
Ian Leetham
A Farewell to Ian Leetham (7th August 1931- 27th May 2013)
taken from a Eulogy given by Mike Courtney in June 2013
Arthur Ian Leetham – but better known in later life as Ian - was born with a twin sister in Darjeeling, a delightful hill station in North East India, in August 1931. His father, a British Army cavalry officer, was serving in India at that time. A second younger sister was to follow.
Ian went to Wellington College, a traditional military school in England. After school, he did his compulsory 2-year National Service in the Army and was commissioned into the 11th Hussars - nicknamed the Cherry Pickers - a distinguished cavalry regiment which had been commanded by his father , Lt Colonel Jack Leetham, DSO.
After army service in the early 1950s, he sought adventure abroad. He became a tea planter in Assam, and joined The Assam Company, claimed to be the first tea company registered in India.
There he thrived, taking advantage of the opportunities to indulge his sporting passions with like-minded companions. Unfortunately, one such passion, polo, led to a severely damaged shoulder and six months in hospital. This accident meant the end of polo for him. He replaced that sport with golf. He also continued playing bridge which he loved.
In those days, the planters and their families’ lifestyles for socialising and recreation, centred on parties and dances in individual bungalows, plus weekly gatherings at planters’ clubs. It was such occasions that enabled Ian to first meet Lis, the very beautiful and charming daughter of a senior tea planter. They went on to marry in Jorhat, Assam on 5th December 1956. Their three children, Adele, Carol and Adam, who is my godson, were all born in Assam. Sadly, Lis died prematurely in November 1991.
It was in that setting that my wife Kathy and our two children John and Shareen first met Ian and Lis and their children in 1964 and we have remained close friends ever since. Our respective children used to meet up on holidays in Assam, and they too have enjoyed a continuing friendship.
Let me touch now on Ian’s role as a tea planter. He was:
- a man blessed with a charming personality, astute and quick of mind partly derived from his exceptional bridge skills;
- also gregarious and, significantly, with leadership qualities combined with a talent for sympathetic people-management – of thousands of tea workers, both male and female on various of the company’s estates.
He was appointed a Manager with its many responsibilities much sooner than his older and more experienced colleagues had been. He thus became the youngest Manager in the company. He proved to be an exceptionally able one whose efficiency and man-management skills earned him lasting respect.
He and Lis returned to England to start a new life in September 1972 and Ian entered the worlds of life assurance and finance in the City. My wife and I moved to Hong Kong in 1974 but despite the separation of paths for the two families we remained friends as did the children. Much later, we met and got to know Josee whom he later married.
What are our memories of Ian? He was
- a devoted husband and family man who specially cared for Lis during her illness and time of need;
- a wonderful and supportive father to 3 lovely children and 9 grand children;
- a dear friend with a wicked but amusing sense of humour who gave us all great companionship;
- a mentor to his own children during their formative years, and to the Courtney children when they were embarking on their careers;
- last but not least, a gentleman.
March9 2014
Shireen Zaman
Sadly Ali tells us that his dear wife Shireen passed away this morning- the funeral will be tomorrow Monday-to Ali and family we offer our sincere condolences.
March 6 2014
Robin Gregory tells us with great sadness that Ajay Mehra passed away early on morning of the 4th March 2014; from a stroke, in Delhi, where he had gone to visit his grandson. To his relatives we send our condolences
February 21 2014
Pam Peters, Widow of Dennis Peters
Ex Matelli Morrtee Tea Estates
Geoff Peters tells us;
I write to let you know that my mother Pam Peters died in the Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton Surrey aged 81 on 14 February. She was apparently fit, but unknown to us all had extensive lung cancer which brought her down very quickly within a week of being admitted to hospital. Her funeral will be at St Mary’s church on 28 Feb at 2.0pm and thereafter with a reception at the Royal Automobile Club Epsom. I know she had many happy days in India where I was made and enjoyed the company of many friends in the Dooars. She was a loving mother to me her only son and is hugely missed.
Ex Williamson Magor & Co
(Joined Bordubi in 1954 & retired from Itakhooli in 1984)
Passed away this morning (13/02/2014) in Kolkata
All friends, well-wishers are thanked for their messages of bereavement
Inserted by wife Pakhi, son Arup & daughter Rupa
We extend our sincere condolences to Pakhi and family at this sad time
December 25 2013
Nazrul Haque Choudhry
Dadu Quader tells us,My brother-in-law, Nazrul Haque Choudhry, ex-Macneils, passed away last night in New Delhi. Nazrul started his career with the RSN/IGN Steamer Company in Assam, later moving to Macneills' tea division. His first posting was on Baghjan Tea Estate under manager Vic Austin. He retired on Khoomtaie. He is survived by his wife, Mumtaz, a son and a daughter, and two grandchildren.
His funeral is being held in Gauhati on the 27th December.
December 17 2013
Mike Graystone
Sadly we have been advised today by Babs Johnson that she had just learned that Mike Graystone died on November 1 2013. Mike served on the North Bank and at Mariani with McNeill and Barry
We send our sincere condolences to his widow Judy.
December 2 2013
Dr Tom Norman
Dr Tom Norman passed away at St Ives House, St. Ives Wood, Ashley Heath, Ringwood BA24 2ED on 28th November 2013 Thursday evening. They were in Winterborne Houghton, but moved to St Ives a year ago. Tom was the doctor for the Jhanzie Company and also Amgoorie Company,
We send our sincere condolences to his family
The funeral will take place on the 12th of December at Harbridge Church at 2.30 p.m. The Wake will be after the service at St. Ives Nursing Home, St Ives Wood, Ashley Heath, Ringwood, Hants. BH24 2ED. Family flowers only. Donations can be made either to St. Ives House or to Dorset Wildlife Trust.
Daddy will be buried the next day at St Andrews, Winterborne Houghton
November 14 2013 Chris Fraser
Dave Lamont tells us that Chris Fraser, wife of Sandy Fraser Ex Duncan Bros tea planter has passed away quite suddenly. The funeral will be at 2pm (Queensland time) Monday 18th November at The Heritage Chapel, James St. Toowoomba.
Sandy's address is;
9 Myers St.
November 11 2013
Laurie Ginger
We have been advised by Gerry Halnan that Laurie Ginger died 2 weeks ago. Laurie was a Dooars planter and then to Malawi. To his family we send our sincere condolences. When we have more information we will share it.
November 14 2013 Here is a Personal Obituary by Derek Perry Of Laurie, The news yesterday of Laurie Ginger's passing came as a bolt out of the blue.
Only a few months ago I sat next to Laurie at the Stratford luncheon with Bev, Gerry Halnan, Gerry's daughter Jenny Hinton, husband John, Laurie's son, Neil and the delightful Hillary Taggart. Between Laurie, Ginger and myself there was much cross chatter, we being the three of us, Dooars mates from the Nagrakata and Central Dooars districts. Gerry and Ginger were shikari pals from way back, I just happened to be Gerry's assistant. Among other matters discussed, Laurie honestly declared that Gerry was one of the finest shots with a rifle he had ever seen. Earlier in the year I spoke on the telephone from Queensland with Laurie on the occasion of Gerry Halnan's 90th Birthday celebration. Then we all three made a pact to attend the Stratford luncheon.
That morning was a warm convivial occasion with every one trying to cram into those few hours together the exchange of shared memories before we took to our different paths, fondly talking about next time. Sadly, no next time with Laurie.
I came away from that luncheon with a couple of memorable stories concerning Laurie's encounter with Elephants which I believe need to see the light of day.
Laurie was and had been the Burra Sahib of the Bhogotpore Estate of large acreage. Wild Elephant traffic was not unusual, generally they kept to the jungle line outside the tea growing perimeter not bothering to enter. A report came in from a curious chowkidar that a young adult Hati had wandered away from the herd and was bogged down up to the tops of the legs in a muddy nulla unable to extricate itself. Laurie mounted a rescue team, ropes bamboos men with assorted ideas of how to free the animal, all to no avail. As it was close to nightfall efforts were abandoned until next morning. Laurie organised a mechanised form of rescue with the pulling power of tractors ordered to assemble at light of day. Meanwhile word soon got around that a great tamasha was about to unravel, worth viewing by the multitudes. A couple of neighbouring planters said they would bring Cine Cameras to record the event on celluloid. As day dawned the crowds and equipment arrived at the scene. To everyone's utter astonishment, no Elephant. From the evidence of massive Elephant footprints surrounding the area it seems the herd had returned during the night to steal the subject of expected human effort from under their noses. How the Elephants executed this feat is the mystery, linked trunks to tails, who knows?
Laurie was given a female Elephant of indeterminate age as a grateful present for a kind favour. The Elephant was I think called Ranee. Ranee became more than a pet it followed Laurie faithfully around like a dog and master as he pursued his daily kamjaree. Ranee loved Laurie and Laurie loved Ranee. I am not sure of the depth of this relationship but from what I gathered, it was certainly deep. Ranee became ill developing a serious lung infection. Her days were numbered. Laurie was always at her sick side as his work permitted.
Then when the sad day came Laurie lay down beside Ranee talking to her, patting her head. She looked into his eyes curled her trunk firmly around Laurie's waist, relaxed and died.
Farewell Laurie
Chris Allen
Sadie Lund Chris’s daughter tells us;
Dad passed away on Monday the 4th November at 8.35pm - he was 87. The lovely thing was that on the Wednesday and Thursday of last week he was in the company of this three grand daughters and great grandson ( Adrian's girls are very close to my Freya so do visit quite frequently - they live in Oxfordshire) - they all had a lovely time and Dad was in relatively good health then. Unfortunately he was taken to hospital with an infection on Sunday which really took hold and he deteriorated quite rapidly. I stayed with him throughout - apart from a couple of hours on Monday morning when I nipped home for a shower!
Koi-Hai offers daughter Sadie and son Adrian our sincere condolences
Chris Allen's funeral is at St James church in Glossop at 12.45 on Tuesday November 19th and afterwards at Dukinfield Crematorium
November 23 2013
Chris.G. Allen –
Eulogy. by Son Adrian and Daughter Sadie

This is a brief synopsis of the life of our lovely Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, father in law and dear friend. As Kate Allen (grand-daughter) reminded us recently - he has had a great life, which he lived to the full staying fit into his 80s.
What we really remember is that he just loved everything. There was no definition between his home life and his work, be it as a tea planter in India or latterly working for the National Trust, everything just blurred into a natural continuation as he combined his work and family life.
Dad grew up in Twickenham, England and studied music from 5 onwards. He was a gifted pianist and organist, a strong singer and later ran a choir in Assam. He remained lifelong friends with Dennys Wheatley, being born 5 days apart and later they were to marry sisters and the Allen-Wheatley family bond is very strong.
Prior to his career in India he served in Iraq with the British Army after the 2nd World War. In fact during the Saddam Hussein Iraqi war era he always used to say what wonderful people the Iraqis were when he served there. He came back to England and worked as a Lloyds Underwriter for a couple of years.
He joined Williamson Magor, in India in 1950. He had already met Barbara and she joined him after a year – travelling to India alone (an intrepid journey in 1951). They met riding in Hampton Court on Easter Day. They married on December 8th 1951 ...we think they got married the day after she arrived in India, in Calcutta Cathedral.
In Assam his typical day would involve an early morning ride on a thoroughbred horse, starting at 5:30am – around one of the rural areas of the tea estate. An area called Laipuli was one of his favourite’s (but he had many), where young tea was planted year on year. He was renowned for keeping thousands of acres of tea spotless and would not stand for weeds or cows within the tea garden boundaries. He was particularly protective of the tea plantations under his control, where cattle could cause damage to the delicate upper leaf growth, as well as tea bushes. He would have no compunction in getting in his jeep and making sure he chased the offending cows safely away. He would go then to the office for daily admin paperwork and planning, prior to going home for breakfast with Barbara and the family. Lunch would be back in the ‘burra’ bungalow, followed by a quick siesta, then off again. ‘Siesta’ might suggest an easy life, but he would work seven days a week, occasionally taking an afternoon off for tennis, a game that he loved.
Work continued until about five, five thirty, back home for a cup of tea and then ‘Come on Adrian or Sadie’ if it was holiday time, ‘let’s take the dogs out for an evening run’. This would be in the jeep, with the dogs in the back - they would be let out to run behind the jeep along the tea garden farm tracks. In the evening BBC World Service radio would be booming out as he enjoyed a chota peg of whisky – medicinal against the mosquitos!
He was the Chairman of the ‘Assam Lawn Tennis Association’. He held leading positions on Scientific Tea Committees and was Chairman of Tingri Social Club.
Dad was very fond of animals (unless they damaged the tea growing areas). He kept a small herd of dairy cattle which were always in good condition. There was an abundance of pets - dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, monkeys, civet cats, a jackal, literally hundreds of chickens, fish and even a deer.
He loved taking Sadie and Adrian around the tea factory and plantation during the holidays when they were home from boarding school – he was just so proud of his work and wanted his family to appreciate it as well.
Apart from tea farming including the development of a special strain called ‘Golden Tips’ which at the time tipped the scales of the highest price on the tea market, he also helped develop good housing for the plantation workers, schools for the children and local hospitals for all involved. At the height of his achievements he oversaw multiple plantations, which equated to a workforce of over 15,000. He was highly respected in Assam and during the 1970’s political troubles and strikes, not one of his employees went on strike (a fact he was extremely proud of).
He was proud of Adrian being born in Chabua hospital. After collecting family or visitors from the local airport, the journey home would involve passing ChabuaHospital. He would always tell his passenger(s) - “that was where Adrian was delivered in September 1952 by Nuns”. When he held his son in his arms for the first time, he recoiled in surprise and said ‘Oh my goodness, it’s moving’ – he told that story every time as well!!!!
His employees were extremely loyal to him. Upon retiring from Assam in 1981, labourers wailed at his departure and he was literally drowned in garlands which were placed around his neck (a local tradition). He was presented with framed words, painstakingly thought out by his employees, written on silk, to take with him into his retirement. He loved these plaques to this day, adorning his walls wherever he lived.
He adored his friends and colleagues and was so happy to accommodate fellow tea planters from Assam when they came to the UK.
He was highly competitive, particularly in sport and used to question Barbara for playing golf as well as tennis, something he would never do. He felt you couldn’t give 100 % to both of the main sports that we played in Assam. However, football, cricket, squash, swimming and table tennis were also competitive in the area, but not at the level of the other two. Latterly he enjoyed umpiring cricket and football matches, as well as ‘running’ swimming galas. This competitiveness is evident in his offspring including his great grandson Harry George Allen.
Dad retired back to England in his late ‘50s. He was still relatively young and was not one to rest on his laurels and enjoy an early retirement – he joined the National Trust as an Administrator of stately homes and he remained until 65 years old. He ran some impressive properties such as The Vyne, Oxburgh Hall and ClandonPark. The lines between his personal and professional life blurred again, but that is the way he loved it – his job was integral to his life. At 65 he moved to Glossop with our Mum in 1991. He became involved in NT membership recruitment, basing his Landrover at Mam Tor near Castleton in the Peak District. Whatever the weather he would be there, and the odd year when he didn’t win the NT award for highest recruitment – mortified him!!! He did this job until 80 years old.
Sadie spent more time with Dad during the latter decades. When Mum passed away in 1998 Dad used to pop round most evenings to Sadie’s for company and a whisky or two – she could set her clock by him, he would arrive at 8.17 and leave just after 9 – and in his words ‘he never wanted to outstay his welcome’. Even if there were guests for dinner he joined in. He knew and embraced all Sadie’s friends. Adrian, Sarah and the girls were regular visitors and we have always been a close family.
His last year was spent two streets up from Sadie in a residential care home. It wasn’t easy for such a vibrant man, but the staff there were brilliant. Right to the end he kept his appetite.
He was proud of his family especially his “favourite grand-daughter”….. Which is what he would tell each of them!! When his great grandson Harry arrived in 2006 he was in his words like ‘a dog with two tails’. His three granddaughters and great grandson visited him four days before the end and he revelled in their visit. Laura’s lasting memory is of some soft fruit sweets that Kate brought for him – which he demolished completely!!
Many kind words and support have been received at this time. We feel honoured to see how highly he was thought of by all his friends in India and everywhere.
He was a super father to us, a gentleman, a lover of work, life and sport and he gave us a lovely start in our lives. We will always cherish him.

Barbara and Chris Allen in retirement
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October 6 2013
George Bradley
Anne Poyser has advised us that George Bradley who was with the ABITA in Dikom ITA offices, and then was in Gauhati for many years. Has passed away recently in Goa. To his relatives we send our condolences
October 6 2013 Mrs Nuror Richmond
Mrs, Richmond, wife of T. ("Birdie") Richmond (Assam Co:) and mother of George, Tony and Bill, passed away peacefully yesterday, 5th Oct. Her cremation will be tomorrow 7th.
September 17 2013
Ian Dalton Larkins
Sadly we have to report that Ian Dalton Larkins (ex Williamson Magor) and elder brother of Ashley Larkins passed away on 16th Sept, 2013. He was suffering for a long time and was staying with Ashley in Donyi Polo TE , near Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh
We offer our sincere condolences to the family
September 2 2013
Mavis Trinick
Sadly we are advied by Dilsher Sen of McLeod Russell of the sad passing of Mrs Mavis Trinick, wife of John Trinnick on August 29 2013. .
The funeral will be held at Torquay Crematorium, Devon on Wednesday September 11 at 1030hrs.
The family has asked for donations rather than flowers/wreaths and these could be made in favour of either or both charities supported by Mavis which are:
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
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August 27 2013
Isobel Miller
Sadly Jimmie Bain tells us that Isobel Miller wife of Robin has died. Robin was with the Jokai/Janzie group in Assam and we send him our sincere condolences
August 11 2013
Micky Massar kindly tells us:
The late Hemen Barooah
A prayer meeting was held at late Hemen's apartment in Kolkuta
It was well attended. His grandson Kim Anselm Farley, from his eldest daughter Radha, who lives in the UK conducted the function.
The Shradth ceremony will be held in Jorhat on the 29th of this month. .
August 2 2013
Tim Healey
Imran Sultan tells us;
I wanted to keep you and the Koi Hai community informed that my grandfather Mr. George William Fredrick Healey (Tim Healey) passed away peacefully in Dingwall, Scotland at 1140 hrs on 1st August 2013.
He was in Assam from 1948 to 1975 and worked with Williamson Magors mostly at Corramore Tea Estate, among others. He is survived by his wife Joan Healey, son Shane Healey and daughter Lesley Sultan(my mother).--to Joan and family we offer our sincere condolences
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August 1 2013
Mr. Hemendra Prasad Barooah
Mr. Hemendra Prasad Barooah, is the most renowned industrialist of Assam and a doyen of Indian Tea industry. Armed with an MBA degree from Harvard University (1949), he took over the helm of affairs on his return and founded Barooahs & Associates(B&A). Under his leadership, the B&A Group has flourished and has wide interests in tea plantations, packaging, tea-broking and heritage tourism. The core business of the group is tea plantation and manufacture of tea under the flagship company B & A Limited. This is a listed public limited company incorporated on 01 June, 1915 as Barasali Tea Company Ltd. Presently all nine tea gardens of B&A limited are located in the prime quality tea growing area on the ‘South Bank’ of Assam and produces finest quality CTC tea. The product portfolio diversification came in their own time and Companies like B & A Packaging India Limited ( founded as B & A Sacks Limited and later known as B & A Multiwall Packaging Limited), Assam Tea Brokers Pvt. Limited, Heritage North East Pvt., Limited and The Kaziranga Golf Resort at Jorhat.
Mr. Barooah was elected President of Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During his career, Mr. Barooah held several prestigious positions viz, Member of Tea Board from 1963 to 1973, Chairman, Local Board (East) of State Bank of India for 13 years, Director of Indian Airlines Corporation and Member of Central Advisory Council for Industrial Development, New Delhi. Chairman of Tea Research Association & Assam Tea Corporation Ltd. Mr. Barooah was awarded the Padma-Shree in 2013.
uwahati/Calcutta, July 31: Noted Assam tea planter and industrialist Hemendra Prasad Barooah passed away this evening in Bangkok.
According to Deena Raj, Barooah’s niece who had accompanied him to Bangkok for a health check-up, Barooah passed away in his hotel room “between 7.20pm and 7.30pm Bangkok time. “He died of a heart attack,” Deena said from Bangkok. The planter, born on April 1, 1926, is survived by two daughters. His wife and son predeceased him.
An MBA from Harvard in 1950 and a Padmashree, Barooah, a trailblazer in the tea industry, owned a number of companies, from tea to tourism. His flagship company, B&A Limited, owns nine tea gardens with an average production of 57lakh kg of tea. The group also owns Assam Tea Brokers Private Limited, B&A Multiwall Packaging, Heritage North East Pvt Ltd and Kaziranga Golf Club Limited.
A pioneer in tea tourism, Barooah opened up his ancestral home at Jalukonibari, 15km from Jorhat, to tourists in 2000 and named it Thengal Manor. Next he opened up two more colonial era managers’ bungalows of his gardens in the district at Gotonga and Sangsua to serve an unforgettable tea experience to visitors. His next venture was opening up of a golf course of international standards, the Kaziranga Golf Resort, at Sangsua to give an added boost to tea tourism.
Tributes flowed in as the news of his death spread.
Chief minister Tarun Gogoi, a long-time friend, said, “It’s an irreparable loss to the nation and the tea industry. We will miss him.”
Latifur Rahman, prominent industrialist of Bangladesh, who is married to Barooah’s niece, said from Dhaka, “Before he died, he had set up the Hemen Barooah Benevolent Trust, which would get a majority of his holdings. He wanted to use the profits of his companies for the benefit of Assamese womenfolk and the education of their children. I hope that wish of his is fulfilled. Barooah was such a proud Assamese.”
Kalpana Lajmi, film director and associate of Bhupen Hazarika, said from Mumbai, “Losing Barooah is like losing Bhupenda all over again. He was so close to us. He was a great man with a great intellect and so much ahead of his times. He was also a great movie buff.”
“He was a great man,” said Somnath Chatterjee, managing director of B&A Ltd. Chatterjee was on his way to Bangkok to bring back Barooah’s remains, when he spoke to The Telegraph.
In accordance with his wishes, Barooah will be cremated at the place of his death.
The planter, to many tea veterans, was the single rock support that the garden owners received as Ulfa insurgency peaked in Assam. “He was the main man to handle insurgency in a way and control it so that the impact was least felt in the gardens. Otherwise, many would have lost their lives. He stood up as the man to communicate with the insurgents, the government and the industry. The tea industry has lost a legend,” Kallol Dutta, president, Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said.
Barooah was also the past president of Bengal Club in Calcutta and also headed the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the eighties.
Rossell Tea managing director C.S. Bedi said, “His was a life well lived. He has been a father figure to the tea industry. He was actually larger than life. He was one of the finest and most successful Assamese entrepreneurs.”
Assam Tea Planters’ Association has condoled Barooah’s death and said it was a big loss for the tea industry in particular and Assam in general. “He was a pioneer in the tea industry and his demise is a big loss,” ATPA chairman Rajib Barooah said.
Rajib, who is also his nephew, said his uncle was looked up to as the patriarch of the family. “He guided us, gave us good counsel. His passing away is a great loss for society, the family and the tea industry,” he said, adding that today was Barooah’s wife, Usha’s birth anniversary.
Jorhat based tea planter Raj Barooah said he was the first Assamese tea entrepreneur to float an IPO.
Retired Supreme Court justice S.N. Phukan, who was a close associate, said Barooah was a man of great stature and his death would be a great loss for society.
“He was sharp witted and had a great human side to him,” Reema Barooah, his niece, said.
N.C. Baruah, former director of B&A Ltd, said, “He was the number one Assamese planter and built an empire of his own, going from just four or five gardens to nine, setting up industries in not just Assam but also Odisha. Apart from a lot of other contributions, he set up the ITA centre at Machkhowa in Guwahati almost single-handedly.
Anyone wishing to send condolences to the family of Mr Hemen Barooah.....You may write to the Managing Director of B&A Ltd Mr Somnath Chatterjee at [email protected]
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July 15 2013
We thank David Kilgour and Denny Sharp who kindly passed on the fact that Ralph Kynoch died at the end of June at his home in Braemar. Ralph was with the James Warren Tea Company in Assam from 1956 to 1967 to Ralph's family we offer our condolences.
Below are three photos to add to the memory--thanks to Peter Bartlett

Ralph Kynoch, Paddy O’Flynn and Dickie Marchant ... all now sadly deceased. This photo was taken at Ralph and Dickie’s farewell bash.

Balijan T.E. circa 1967 photo which includes Ralph Kynoch.

Soccer teams 1965 ...
India versus Scotland
the match was played at the Moran Club on the 26th June 1965
Standing : 1) Hardev Singh 2) Ralph Kynoch, 3) Pony Ponappa, 4) Roby Robinson, 5) Dennis Ram, 6) Alec Hay, 7) Daljit (Tony) Singh, 8) John Riddoch, 9) Julian Francis, 10) Peter Bartlett,
Sitting : 1) Charlie Anderson. 2) Gordon Wedderburn, 3) Herman Muller, 4) Clem Brown, 5) Bruno Bannerjee, 6) Sheik Sheikhawa 7) John Munroe, 8) C. Macgilchrist 9) Ian Davidson. Kneeling : 1) Nar Singh, 2) Colin Coots.
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June 20 2013
This appreciation of Dick Simpson is considerable and by clicking any of the following it will take you to the relevant part
Announcement of his passing
Eulogy given by Bob McKinney
Photos of some attendees
Ode to Uncle Dick
Appreciations from India
Copy of Rev Phillipo's service
June 20 2013
An Eulogy for Dick Simpson given by Bob McKinney at the service on Friday June 7 2013
I have been asked to say a few words by Dolly about Dick and how he was a part of our lives. I hope that my recollections reflect your thoughts.
I first met Dick and Dolly nearly 20 years ago, shortly after I met my wife, Shona.
Shona always referred to them as Uncle Dick and Auntie Dolly and though they weren't blood relatives, that didn't matter as both the Simpsons and the Grimmers had been 'in tea' and they were as close as any family could be.
That was especially true of Dick and Shona's dad, John, who we lost 2 years ago. Both north-east loons, both trained engineers and both set off to find their fortunes in India, both working on tea gardens in the Dooars for Duncan Brothers.
Since I first met Dick and Dolly I was struck by how they were the two halves of a larger whole; complimentary parts, like bacon and eggs or Morecambe and Wise.
The comparison with comedians is perhaps apt as Dick liked nothing better than a good joke and the banter between him and Dolly was sometimes priceless.
At other times it was Shona who aided and abetted Dick with whoopee cushions, fart machines and jokes; usually about bodily functions and usually ending with Dick having a quiet chuckle but more often than not, with a full-on red faced guffaw.
As I came to know Dick I became aware that his hobbies were many and varied, from the traditional; gardening, bowling and caravanning to the more modern; digital photography and computing, and that the computer's main use seemed to be for storing his photographs and sending out rude jokes by e-mail. They always added a little more brightness to the day and I shall miss them.
I also became aware that Dick had a deep love of Scotland which was demonstrated by the coach trips he and Dolly took around the country, his 'peep-peep' music and the occasional wee dram!
But for me, my most abiding happy memories of Dick are of;
- Visiting Dick and Dolly in the summer months when their garden was in full bloom. Dick quietly pleased with the progress of his flowers, or not, as the case might have been; Dick explaining how his greenhouse watering system would water his tomatoes while they were away on holiday, mini-tours of the garden and getting roped into watering or digging jobs, then going home with a bucket full of plants, and BBQ's and picnics at the back of the house, just because it was a sunny day.
- Over the festive season; Christmas Dinners at our house, with us, John and Sheila and Dick and Dolly, us taking turns at pulling crackers, wearing the silly hats and telling bad jokes from them, Dick always quick to laugh; then everyone going downstairs, having eaten too much and spending the rest of the evening in front of the TV
Starting the New Year off at Dick and Dolly's, the usual suspects there, along with Pat and Aileen and Mabel and Andy. Kicking off with nibbles and conversation, being treated to one of Dolly's Indian meals, with more crackers, hats and jokes, Dick always on hand to refresh your glass and the evening drawing to a close with a slideshow of the holiday photos on Dick's computer.
It was through moments such as these that I got to know Dick as a person; funny and fun-loving, kind and generous, a gentle man and a gentleman.
So, for me that is the Dick Simpson that I have come to know, who I will remember and who I will miss greatly.
If I had to guess who would be at the Pearly Gates waiting to welcome Dick in, because he'll surely go up the way, it would be John Grimmer with the words "Come on, ye bugger, it's your round!" which will be met with one of Dick's quiet chuckles.
Return to Dick Simpson
Below are some of the attendees at the funeral

Eric Thomson, Rod Pimm,Duncan Allan, John Mackenzie, and Norman Gerrish
Eric Thomson, Rod Pimm,Duncan Allan, John Mackenzie, and Norman Gerrish

John Mackenzie,Eric Thomson, Alexandra Thomson,and Ann Gerrish

Yfke Simpson, Norman Gerrish, Margaretha Simpson

Elizabeth Tully,, Duncan Allan, Alyson Bruce
Return to Dick Simpson
An Ode to Uncle Dick
What can we say about Uncle Dick
He loved a giggle and a trick
His laughter cheered up our days
With dirty jokes and funny ways
Bluebell Polka by Jimmy Shand
‘Peep Peep’ music from his top band
Accordion, pipes, he loved them all
He’d hoogh & choogh along the hall
A happy man who loved his plants
Slugs & snails fair got his rants
His garden was a source of joy
For this former ‘tea planter’ boy
Holidays abroad, so far and wide
Slide shows were a source of pride
His life was full of things to do
Photos, bowls, the computer too
A fond Uncle and dearest friend
Our love for you will never end
You’re off now to a different place
We sure will miss your cheery face
Lots and lots of love
Shona, Bob & Tara
Return to Dick Simpson
Now we have four appreciations of Dick from friends in India
Appreciation One
You can shed tears that he is gone Or you can smile because he has lived, You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back, Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left Your heart can be empty because you cannot see him Or you can be full of the friendship you shared You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday You can remember him and only that he is gone Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back Ory ou can do what he would want, smile, open your eyes, love, and go on.
May you rest in peace Dick.
Appreciation TWO
Hi Colin.
Here is my tribute to Uncle Dick. Please feel free to use or don't use what you wish.
Love to Aunty Dolly. Safe flight and God be with you.
Paying a tribute to Uncle Dick is an honour and all the family in India join me in sending our condolences to Aunty Dolly and to Uncle Dick's other family members.
Uncle Dick was a jolly person, kind and caring and very down to earth.
I remember whenIfirst heard about Uncle Dick (I was then a young child )and my impression was that he would be quite aloof from all of us being from a different background. He surprised me for sure, because he was simple and friendly and so easy to get along with. One could relax in his company.
He was very jolly -and had a good sense of humor. Sometimes he said something with a serious face and only if you knew him well you would realize he was joking.
Appreciation THREE
He was very kind and caring. I remember when I came to London I was to meet Aunty Dolly at Kings Cross Station. We were meeting each other after many years and we were both anxious to see each other.Their arrival had got delayed and I was not sure whether to wait or to leave. I was so home sick and I wanted to meet them. After a long time I saw them coming towards me and Aunty Dolly and I hugged each other and cried and cried. Uncle Dick watched and after some time told us "if both of you just keep crying you wont have time to talk to each other. Let's go to a cafe and sit down". Thereafter he took charge and went and got tea and refreshments while Aunty Dolly and I chatted and caught up with all the family news. He then joined our conversation.
When I visited Aunty Dolly and Uncle Dick in Scotland a while later, we used to go out quite early and return at dusk. Uncle Dick took the trouble to drive around and showed me many sites and in fact he showed me almost all of the North East of Scotland and ensured that I had a good time.
He was very particular when he ate Indian food. It had to be a complete meal with all the side dishes. Just a curry and rice was not Indian food for him. It had to be the rice, dal, fries, curry, chutney, salad, papad, and all complete. There was no halfway with him.
When we lose a loved one Our world just falls apart We think that we can't carry on With a broken heart Everything is different now You're upset and maybe annoyed Your world itseemsisshattered There's such an awful void There's got to be a reason And we have to understand God made us and at any time He'll reach down for our hand There might not be a warning Wewon't knowwhereorwhen The only thing were certain of Is that we'll meet them once again.
Thank you Uncle Dick for the person that you were. May your soul rest in peace.
Our hearts, prayers and love go out to Aunty Dolly at this time.We will uphold you in prayer. God will give you the strength and courage to carry on. Believe me He will. God bless you.
Appreciation FOUR
Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:20 AM
Dear Aunty Dolly,
We was so sad to hear about Uncle Dick's passing away. Our hearts go out to you at this time and we know what you must be feeling. -I-know how it hurt when Robin died. God will be with you and will give you the strength and courage to bear this great loss.
All the family joins me in sending our condolences and love.
We know that no words can help ease the pain and loss that you are feeling right now. You are in our every prayer and thought. May God wrap you in His arms and comfort you during this time.
Love and prayers.
Return to Dick Simpson
Richard (Dick) Simpson 7th June 2013
Died 1st June 2013
My name is the Rev Michael Phillippo, the recently appointed locum minister at High Hilton Parish Church of Scotland. Dick had been a member, Deacon, Elder and active office bearer of the church over many years. I had the privilege of meeting Dick soon after I came to the church and it was good to meet him and Dolly about one month ago – my first visit from the church!
I am grateful to Dolly, Aileen and Gordon, sister and brother, whom I met earlier this week for further details about Dick’s life. The fact that you are here today meant that Dick was important to you during your own life and the family is very grateful for your attendance.
Dick’s sight had deteriorated lately; there is a donation box for Fighting for Sight as you leave the service and also at The Palm Court Hotel where all are invited for refreshments later.
Hymn O love that will not let me go
Dick was born on 15th May 1935, to Jean and Dick Simpson of Mansefield, Fyvie (although I believe he actually arrived in Aberdeen!). His father worked then as a lorry driver to support their family - Dick, Aileen and later Gordon. He attended FyvieJuniorSecondary School where he loved sport, especially football encouraged by Dad, playing at outside left. Sadly, his toes were damaged and, since he could not play, he took up refereeing and became the first teenage referee officiating Highland League games. His first introduction to FyvieChurch was the Sunday School and later pumping the organ for services.
At 15, he moved into Aberdeen to an engineering apprenticeship with Barry, Hendry & Cook, King Street (the Morrison’s site) where in the noise and clatter of the engineering workshop Dick’s hearing was affected. His father helped him apply for an engineer’s post in a Tea Plantation in India where he worked from 1956-73. It was an acute appendicitis in 1962 that landed Dick in Woodland Nursing Home, Calcutta where a young trained nurse Dolly was on duty. Their friendship developed and they were married in Calcutta in April 1963. The Tea Gardens were some distance from the hospital so Dolly moved there.
In October 1968, they lost their only child on the day of his birth and both Dick and Dolly were seriously injured in a car accident when leaving the Hospital 13 days later. Dick recovered fairly quickly but Dolly remained in Hospital for some 6 months before being released. Further tragedy struck a short while later when the train they were returning from holiday on caught fire and they had to jump from the carriage to the embankment whilst the fire engulfed all their possessions.
In 1973, the Indian take-over of the Plantations had begun –Assam and Bengal – so Dick and Dolly decided to move back to their house in Hilton Street which they had bought in 1967 and remained there ever since. They immersed themselves in HighHiltonChurch. Dick was Deacon, then an Elder in 1978, recording the Communion Role, amongst other duties whilst working full time as Staff Accommodation Officer with The Grampian Health Board.
Sport still occupied Dick’s life - football (on TV) bowling - Carlton Place and indoors at Summerhill. Dick supported Dolly in her art and pottery classes and her exhibitions in Banchory and Ballater. Caravanning holidays all over the UK were important to the two of them whilst they also ventured further afield on cruises and visiting relatives overseas. Dick loved nothing more than listening to traditional Scottish music – “Peep Peep music” as Dolly called it – either the Pipes and Drums or good old Jimmy Shand and his Band. His garden was also his passion with his soul mate Dolly working alongside.
Bob McKimmie’s comments
Sadly health problems began to take their toll on Dick in the last couple of years with Dolly using her nursing skills to care for him at home. Weakened but cheery he managed to attend his Golden Wedding celebratory lunch in April which Dolly had secretly organized inviting some 30 family and friends. His health deteriorated soon after and he was admitted to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on 30 May where he passed away in the arms of Dolly in the early hours of 1 June.
Hymn The day you gave us Lord is ended
Dick had both joys and trials in his life but he found that his faith, together with that of his wife, held him tight. He no longer suffers the impairments that encompassed him latterly for he is with God his Father in heaven and the safe hands of Jesus who promised that there would be no more illness nor tears with him. But for us Jesus said “Come unto me all you who carry heavy loads and I will give you rest. Come and learn from me for I am the way the truth and the life.”
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever has faith in me shall live even though they die; no one who lives and has faith in me shall ever die.”
‘There is nothing in death or life, in the world as it is or as it shall be, nothing in all creation that can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The Committal
There is a time for everything on the earth
A season for every activity under heaven: -
A time for birth and another for death
A time for mourning and time to dance
A time to speak and a time to be silent
A time to embrace and another to part
A time to hold and another to let go
Dick is no longer here, separated from us - yet he lives on in the presence of God, the Father of Jesus Christ who welcomes all who come to him. Here in this act, in sadness and sorrow but in faith and hope, we commit Dick’s body to be cremated and commit him into the hands of the loving, faithful and gracious Father of us all in the sure and certain hope of resurrection from death through Jesus Christ our Lord.
PrayerLord Jesus Christ in our loss we come to you; we bring our concerns to you – they may be too heavy for us to bear alone; please bear them with us.
Lord, give us your peace - that peace of God, which goes beyond mere human understanding - that will help us today and in the future.
The blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost be with you today, tomorrow and for evermore. AMEN
Return to Dick Simpson
June 5 2013
Dick Simpson
Sadly we have to advise of Dick’s passing on June 1 2013, aged 78. Dick’s funeral is on Friday 7th June at Aberdeen crematorium at 1455, family flowers only and any donations to Fighting for Sight.
His brother Gordon tells us:
It is with heavy heart that I pass on the news that my brother Rick (Dick) passed away peacefully in the early hours of 1 June. He had battled bravely after suffering a stroke last year but his health never fully recovered with inter alia further minor strokesand a gradual loss of his eyesight. His cremation takes place on Friday 7th. Dolly is bearing up as well as can be expected in the circumstances.
Alan Gaul, Dick’s nephew sent this helpful note about his uncle and some details of the service I stumbled across your website last night in the search for photos of my uncle Dick (and found some), just to let you know unfortunately we lost Dick on the 1st of June suddenly after a short illness. We all enjoyed his stories of India where he worked for Duncan Brothers and Co and where he met his wife Dolly (celebrating Golden wedding just a couple of months ago). Dick’s funeral is on Friday 7th June at Aberdeen crematorium at 1455, family flowers only and any donations to Fighting for Sight. Dick is survived by his Wife Dolly, sister Aileen (my mum), brother Gordon, many nieces, nephews and dear friends, uncle Dick will be very sadly missed by all.
Return to Dick Simpson
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March 22 2013
Victor Austin
Rajan Mehra kindly tells us that: On Facebook there was an entry by Mandira Moitra Sarkar daughter of Dulal Moitra on Tuesday 19th March -that Victor Austin passed away in his Wales Home "yesterday"( most likely Monday 18th March.), I thought I would pass this sad news to you and for his friends.
Thankyou Rajan
The Editor has been told that Victor died on the 17th March and the funeral will be on 28th March 2013
February 7 2013
Jasbir S. Randhawa tells us that Nandan Kilpadi passed away this morning 7th February, 2012 at Bangalore.
Nandan was 76 years old, and he passed away after a heart attack, apparently triggered by fluid in the lungs that was causing him uneasiness since yesterday I spoke to Pushi briefly, and to her son-in-law, Rajiv Shastri (Seema’s husband). My heartfelt condolences to Pushi, Seema, Neema, and to all members of the family. May God grant them the strength to cope with this monumental loss.
I had known Nandan since the time I joined Borhat Tea Estate in 1977 (Tata-Finlay Ltd; Sibsagar District, Assam), as Nandan was with the Singlo group of tea estates in nearby Sonari at the time. Later on, I used to meet Nandan and Pushi often when he was Secretary of the Ootacamund Club, as I was then posted at Munnar.
Contact details: Mrs. Pushpa Kilpadi , Flat 407 - Block 9, Unitech Heritage Estate, Yelahanka, Bangalore 560 064, Karnataka Landline: +918023664149 Mobile: +919902059493 Rajiv Shastri’s Mobile: +919902955001 In grief, Jasbir S. Randhawa Chandigarh
The Editor of Koi Hai sends his sincere condolences to the Kilpadi family
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jANUARY 24 2013 We thank Bill Beattie for telling us of the sad passing of his old friend and giving us this eulogy
"Ivan Alfred Rufus passed away on the 19th Jan aged 90 yrs. His funeral was held today at the Glenmead Village in Cairns and attended by his wife Cynthia and 50 family and friends who travelled from all over Australia.
Ivan was probably the last of his kind in the sense of a generation of post WW11 veterans who prevailed for a generation and more on the tea plantations of India and elsewhere. Their influence continues even today. He was probably the best tea engineer in India..certainly the most recognised! Known for his enthusiasm for life and a great ability to communicate in all stratas of Indian life..he also had another great gift..he was interested in everything! He could build anything, fix anything and knew the names of all plants! He spent his last years in India with the Assam Co. based in Nazira then a spell in travelling to hundreds of Tea factories with Brittania Engineering. He then moved with his family to Australia in 1974 and worked in senior management at Australia's first commercial Tea Plantation at Nerada T Co. near Innisfail in Queensland. This was followed by many years driving his own Taxi. He loved the tropics and gardening and never missed the opportunity to play his ukelele and mouth organ.
Our sympathies go out to Cynthia, Gillian, Tessa, Carol, Yvonne, Roger, Peter, Charlie, and Ivor and to their many grandchildren and great-grand children. "

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A.K. Tiwari (Moti Tiwari)
Sadly Manjula Moti’s daughter tells us:
Moti Tiwari passed away on 21 October, 2012, in Vienna, Austria, and is missed terribly by his wife Anu and his children Puchka and Roly.
He was a tea planter for over 30 years and worked with Octavius Steel, Brooke Bond, and Jokai India
December 9 2012
John Gill tells us "Very sadly I have to report that dear old Colin died peacefully last night (Saturday). He was in hospital in Bideford and cancer finally caught up with him. A thoroughly nice man and I shall miss our chats about Assam.
Colin wrote an amusing piece on the Correspondents page under the name 'Chota Kuti Thoughts' to go there please click
We are pleased to be able to show the Eulogy which Colin's son Finn gave at the memorial service for his father Colin. Thank you Finn we have great memories of your Dad
and here he is: a great character Colin Jackson
My father passed away, age 83, on 8 December 2012. His funeral and memorial service were held on 20 December.
I must admit that when I stood up to give the eulogy at St Mary's church in Bideford I was in two minds. After all, part of me had known since I was six or seven years old that this moment would one day come, so I couldn't say it was unexpected. But on the other hand, who was I to stand up and make sense of someone else's life? If anybody could do that, it should be him.
If he had been there, he probably would have tilted his spectacles up on to his forehead, shrugged, twizzled a raised hand in the air, and told you he'd had a good life.
He might have told you about growing up in the Depression, when the only meat available was rabbit. So much so that in later years he couldn't touch the stuff.
He might have told you about growing up in Taunton, and every summer getting the train out to Barnstaple and Braunton, then a taxi on to Saunton where they lived for a month in a beach hut amongst the dunes.
He might have told you about playing there with a kite, which had a special mechanism that enabled you to raise a toy soldier high up into the air, and then release it on a parachute and watch it float down, before dashing off to find it in the dunes.
He might have told you about his time in National Service, serving in the Tank Regiment, and the jolly japes they all got up to.
And possibly, just possibly, he might have told you about his time in India.
He might have told you about the time a cobra took over one of the huts, and he lay in wait with a rifle, waiting for it to poke its head up between the floorboards.
He might have told you about the great Assam earthquake of 1958, with a magnitude of 8.7, the greatest ever recorded in the Himalayas. How the bungalows, on their concrete foundations, rode the waves of the earthquake like boats on the sea.
And he might have told you about how, after one particularly memorable party, he woke up next morning, in his car, 40 miles away, with no memory at all of how he had got there! And then he looked down, and realised he had his trousers on inside-out!
But Colin wasn't at the memorial service, and so I as 'eldest son' had to share some memories.
I remember, as a very young child, a seemingly magical man who was able to cook 'poached' eggs, and flip a fried egg over from one side to the other without breaking the yolk.
I remember him lifting me up to shoulder height when I was six of seven years old, putting my head among the Christmas decorations.
I remember sitting inside the car on frosty winter mornings, with the engine running, while he stood outside scraping ice off the windows, ready for the school run.
I remember a man who, when I was about ten years old, raced me across the beach at Croyde, and would he let me win? No he would not!
And mostly I remember him pottering about the place, working on his cars, gardening, building us a go-kart, helping us to paint our bicycles.
In the last few months before he died we talked, briefly, about whether he might want to leave Bideford and move in to live with me. He thought about it for a while and then he said that he thought he would rather not, because he would miss his friends. Seeing all the people who came to his memorial service, I think he made the right choice.
And of course it is the choices we make that show us who we are.
In my father's case, I think that this decision, to stay on his own home during what was at times a quite difficult period, shows that he chose to engage with life. Right up to the end he kept himself busy. In the very last week, when I went to visit him in hospital, he told me: "When you get home Finn, there's a box in the sitting room. Don't open it! There's a clock inside that I've started taking apart for cleaning!"
And in a wider sense my father was an Adventurer. Someone with a positive attitude, who is always exploring, going to new places, trying new things, trying to make things better.
He loved India because he was an Adventurer.
He loved organising cross-country car rallies because he was an Adventurer.
He loved his model ships and steam trains and cannons and tanks and clocks because they were an Adventure too.
He loved India.
He loved people.
He was self-reliant, completely honest and truthful, and he engaged with life.
I've known since I was six or seven years old that this day would one day come. And there is nothing I could have done to change it.
But they say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes. And I think in my father's case he made damn sure it was worth watching.
October 22 2012
(Frank) John Francis Doyle passed away on Friday 19th October peacefully in Devon surrounded by his family. Frank worked for the Jokai Company and started off at Seleng T E then to Muttock in the Panitola area. Met and married Sonya Munsey in 1953. An avid cricketer and sportsman. Left Assam around 1962 and subsequently worked in Ecuador, Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea before retiring to Spain. We offer our condolences to his daughters Sally-Anne and Diana, and his grandchildren Tara, Tamara and great grandaughter Hailey.
October 17 2012
Bobbie Ducat
Sadly we report the passing of Bobbie Ducat who died on October 13 2012. Bobbie was the wife of Tom Ducat who was the Superintendent of the Doom Dooma Company . Tom died several years ago. To her family we offer our condolences. Jimmie Bain tells us that by co-incidence we were in the same restaurant at the time of her 90th birthday with Ronit Bhuyan {Naga Bhuyan.s son} who was visiting us and she had a lively conversation with us when she overheard us talking about Assam.
October 12 2012
Neil Coombes
It is with regret, that we have to advise that Neil Coombes died a week ago. . He died peacefully at home after a short stay in hospital. We send our condolences to Enid
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October 6 2012
Nandini Datta

Nandini Datta
Butch Datta tells us of his sad loss:
With great sadness I am writing to inform you and everyone at Koihai of the passing of my wife, Nandini, on the morning of 23rd September.
We were on our annual sojourn in Delhi with our daughter when Nandini suffered a stroke and a series of seizures on 3rd December, which required her to be hospitalised for two months and affected her ability to speak and eat. We brought her home and she did improve through May-June but things took a turn for the worse in July.
She suffered immensely during the past three months and though her passing was a release from further suffering, nothing quite prepares you for the void of her absence, after 54 years together.
Nandini was cremated in Delhi. Many friends from tea, from Dooars and Assam, attended. We then immersed her ashes at a beautiful spot called Shivpuri, 26kms above Rishikesh, where we had immersed my son, Ronojoy's ashes, in 2010. She is in a happy and peaceful place now with her son.

Butch has given us an old photograph showing in happier times.
September 3 2012
It is with great sadness that we have to report the sad passing of Dacre Mogg on Saturday September 1st--To Janet and his family we send our sincere condolences-- The funeral will take place at 11.45am on Tuesday 18th September at Chichester Crematorium.
September 4 2012
Stephen, Dacre's son has written an appreciation of his father
Sadly my father, Dacre Mogg passed away on Saturday 1`st September. Dad was diagnosed with a brain tumour in May and whilst we knew the prognosis was bleak, we expected more time with him in our lives. Fortunately, he was happy and very positive about life until about 10 days ago when he finally accepted that his time had come. On Saturday the 1st, he was unwell in the morning but thanks to the extraordinary care of St Wilfrid's Hospice by the care at home team, he was made comfortable and died peacefully just after ten o'clock on Saturday evening.
All who knew Dad commented on his legendary positivity and good humour and these qualities enabled him to enjoy his life to the end. It also made the challenges we faced together as a family during his illness, much easier to bear and I will always be grateful to him for that.
Dacre packed a lot into his seventy six years and whether it was his life in Assam until 1971, our family's new start in England or his many, many friends, he loved it all. He would not miss an opportunity to regale anyone who would listen with his stories that were ever so slightly enhanced as the years rolled by !.
Selfishly, I believe his greatest achievement was providing a truly memorable environment for me and my brother to grow up in, both in India and England. An achievement it has to be said, that is equally attributable to my mum to whom he was married for 51 years. Born in Jorhat in 1963, I have so many extraordinary memories of my time in Assam, and then later on our life in England and they will be with me always.
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August 30 2012
Peter' son Rupert tells us:
It is with great sadness that I have to report the passing of my father, Peter Castle. He had been pretty frail for sometime, not helped by a stroke he had in 2003, and smaller episodes subsequently, culminating at the start of this year having to return to hospital and then into a home, where in the early hours of 17th August he drifted away in his sleep at he age of 87. He will be greatly missed by my mum, Lucinda, and siblings Joanna and Colin and myself.
Dad started his career in tea in 1947 and retired back to Scotland in 1977, finishing his time in Assam at Dejoo tea estate.
I was born in 1959 at Panitola hospital and have nothing but great memories of our family time on both the south and north bank estates we were on. Yours, Rupert Castle
September 17 2012
Speedy Rautela has sent his personal memories of his second Burra Sahib --- Peter Castle-- enjoy
P.W.W.CASTLE Manager Dejoo T.E. 1967 -1977
It was sad to hear that Peter died on the 17 August 2012. Nimmi and I were grief stricken. We received the news from Lucinda and Rupert, Joanna and Colin. Our heartfelt condolences .
Peter came to Dejoo in 1967. He was my second Manager. Whilst most others came by plane,jeep or car Peter as was his wont come all the way from Panitola navigating his 45hp outboard powered dugout! Very impressive for a one year old factory assistant! Jim Strang another, fine gentleman, my first Manager (and now outgoing Manager) had asked me to lay on tea at my bungalow. Awesome first meet.
Peter was a Captain in the Gurha Regt. Before he joined tea . His river craft and expertise were legendary. During the Great Flood in Assam in1950 Peter was posted at Pathalipam. The Subansiri river in a huge flood took away most of the garden and ran right through the Pathalipam factory,demolishing it. The Ruston prime mover flywheel still stood proud in the middle of the river the last time I went upriver with Peter! Peter did a lot of lifesaving during this period and received a citation from the Govt. of India alongwith permission to import, duty-free, outboard motors as and when he desired. The local tribals, the Miris, whom he helped and saved still revere him.
Most who'd known Peter would describe him as a quiet person, softspoken and mild. But he was cold steel and firm when he had to be. The labour at Dejoo called him "Castul Sa'ab" It was only much later
That I learned they referred to him as "Pistul Sa'ab"!
Though quiet and mild he had a naughty side which surfaced at parties or at a good club evening.
He'd fine tune the club piano by sharing his ale with it. He coaxed a stray cow in the club compound to come and enjoy the merriment and proceedings : much shrieks and oye oyes followed! Another time at the end of the evening he rode my 350 ‘bullet' Royal Enfield motorcycle up the club steps and into the club bar gunning the engine exhaust at the ladies sending their skirts billowing. He once also attempted to get his jeep into the club lounge but unfortunately even with the 4x4 it couldn't make it up the steps. Yes those were the days , my friend; we thought they'd never end - - - - - -
I learnt a lot from Peter not only about tea and manufacture, but also about shikar, shooting and fishing. He was a crackshot and expert angler. In most things he was my ‘Guru" guide and mentor.
Thank you Peter. A firm believer in the comicbook concept of the ‘Happy Hunting Grounds' I bid you
Farewell and Happy Hunting - - - -
Y.S.Rautela a.k.a (Speedy)
************************************************************************** * September 4 2012
Roy Church has sent his personal memories of his first Burra Sahib Peter Castle--enjoy
An Appreciation of PETER CASTLE by Roy Church
I was sorry to hear of the passing of Peter Castle, many of his friends will be aware that Peter had been struggling with poor health for some time which had been a huge strain on Lucinda.
Many assistants had a special relationship with their first burra sahib and I can say that not only did Peter introduce me to tea he also acted as mentor on many occasion
Mike Garnett and I flew up to North Lakhimpur. By the time we reached Mohun Bari. We were the only two passengers on the plane the stewardess and co-pilot having taken themselves off shopping in Dibrugarh. Monabari's sole airport facility was a small tin shed and a windsock. A heard of cows grazed the runway under the supervision of a small boy. Mike and I were the only people in sight We had made an early start from Dum Dum and we both opted for a short knap.
I had much to learn.
Eventually a jeep appeared in a cloud of dust. I Just about recognised the teathrough which we drove on the way toPeter's bungalow.
Peter introduced me on my first morning to my staff.
The senior man in the factory was known as the Head Tea House Babu who had subordinates known respectively as the Second and Third Tea House Babus. Only the 'Head Tea House' spoke any English. Most of the factory workers were working out on the tea garden and only a few remained behind to help the fitters overhaul the machinery. Peter took me on a tour of the factory and explained what was going on regarding the overhaul programme for all the various pieces of machinery. As it was the end of January many items had already completed their overhaul and were ready for the start of manufacture which would not be till April.
Peter said that my first priority must be to learn the language. Each day the 'Head Tea House' would give me a list of Hindi words which I would write in a notebook as we inspected the work being undertaken in the factory together each morning. Very soon I could communicate with the help of a fair amount of sign language though the grammatical accuracy of my Hindi left much to be desired. Learning the language was complicated by the fact that many of the staff at clerical level spoke either Assamese or Bengali which differed considerably from "Garden Hindi". Indeed the language spoken on the garden was a mixture of many dialects. Historically labourers had been 'imported' from the tribal areas of Bihar and Orissa and the various dialects of those areas had become mixed to form a variety of Hindi unique to tea estates of Assam. Add to this the fact that many of the early planters had spent time in the Indian Army which itself uses both Urdu and a 'bastardised' form of Hindi and it is not surprising that to this day when I travel to other parts of India I receive some occasional surprised looks from listeners.
There were three bungalows at Joyhing. All were the traditional "chung" bungalows built on 'legs', often having no ground floor accommodation whatsoever. The largest bungalow at Joyhing was occupied by the Superintendant Manager who oversaw policy matters on Joyhing, Koilamari, Ptaliabham, Bordeobham, Dejoo, Doolahat and Harmutti tea estates. All these gardens were strung along the edge of the Himalaya foothills; Harmutti 25 miles furthest west of Joyhing and Ptaliabham about the same distance to the east. There was no direct road connecting these estates and in addition there were numerous rivers which ran down from the mountains making any communication even more difficult, especially during the monsoon when the rivers were in flood and un-fordable. Joyhing had been known to be cut off by the combined effect of the Runganuddi and Joyhing rivers for up to three weeks.
At that time the Indian telephone system was a very crude and unreliable service. Sending a labourer with a handwritten note inscribed on the palm of his hand was much more reliable.
Peter Castle occupied the 'second' Joyhing bungalow as garden Manager and the smallest bungalow near the factory housed Dev Bhagat. Dev had originally been the Jokai Company pilot flying a small Auster plane but the company had decided not to maintain a private air service and Dev had become Assistant Manager at Joyhing in charge of the garden side of the operation. Originally there had been no Superintendant in the group at which time the Joyhing manager had lived in the big bungalow and the factory bungalow would have been used by the Factory Assistant (me). However, under present arrangements I was to share a bungalow with the Garden Assistant on the neighbouring Koilamari Tea Estate. Jimmy Lindop was the Koilamari Garden Assistant and I lodged with him for some 6 months before finally being posted to Tippuk on the south bank of the Bramaphutra River.
Jimmy was an unambitious character who greatly enjoyed his job but had very little time for the social side of an Assam planter's life. He rarely went to the Club in the district and spent a great deal of his time shooting and fishing the several rivers in the area.
.Club Life formed what was regarded by most as a very important part of one's life in tea in Assam. In truth, it relied on outdated traditions from the days of the 'Raj' and I was later in my career to question the necessity of such a regulated social order - but that is a story to come later.
The local planters club was at Dejoo, 'next door' to Joyhing. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons Peter used to arrange for the jeep to pick me up from my bungalow about 2 p.m. and I would be driven by a garden driver over the Runganuddi through the ford. The ford was marked with whitewashed stones and followed a route where the boulders were of a reasonable size and well firmed down. Crossing in the daylight was relatively simple but making the crossing at night was more decidedly hazardous. Shortly before my arrival Dev Bhagat had managed to get the Joyhing jeep swept into a deep pool from which it had been recovered two days later. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons were spent at the club playing tennis. It suffered somewhat like shipboard deck tennis in that much of the time was spent 'dollying' shots over the net in mixed doubles. Tennis 'whites' had, of course, been an 'essential' item on Miss Isaac's The company secretary's) kit list.
Almost every planter in the area would roll up to the club for Saturday evenings when there was occasionally an ancient film shown. The total club membership was no more than 25 but it was traditional to also invite the officers from the nearby Indian Army unit at Kimin. I soon observed that while some of the junior officers 'volunteered' for the afternoon tennis sessions, a far greater number turned up on Saturday nights!
One Saturday evening one of the senior planters suggested that, for a change, the Officers Mess should host the planters. This was willingly agreed and a date set for a military 'kharna'. It was to be a 'pukka' (black tie) occasion. Everyone who was anyone was going - even Jimmy Lindop dug out a slightly mouldy dinner jacket for the occasion.
All the Managers were taking their wives as it was likely to be the social highlight of the year in the North Lakhimpur area. Assistants ('Chhota sahibs' - lit. small sahibs) were unlikely to be given lifts with their 'Burra Sahibs' in the usual manner of club going. Undoubtedly, it threatened to be a very alcoholic evening and many married couples would require to be home long before most bachelors left the scene. Accordingly, I met Peter in the factory on the morning of the due day and he said without any hesitation "You had better take the Jeep and a driver and you can collect Mike on the way"
"Do you know the way?" He asked.
I explained that other than knowing Kimin was situate on the opposite bank of the Runganuddi from Joyhing where the river emerged upstream from the mountain gorge - I had no idea.
"You go to the northern end of Dejoo" explained Peter "and there is a 'kutcha' track that leads into the jungle. After about half a mile there is a fork to the right which will take you to the Army camp. There are no signs because of security." As an afterthought he added "It's a pretty 'jungli' road. If you start going seriously uphill you have missed the turn."
"I should take a torch just in case you need it in emergency."
Little did I realise that less than two years later this track would be the means by which the remnants of the Indian Army would struggle back to India having been completely over-run by superior Chinese forces at Bomdi La and See La.
The jeep arrived at the bungalow to collect me at 6.30 p.m. sharp. Peter had taken the regular driver for himself (at Lucinda's insistence). Our driver, Ramdas sat in the jeep revving the engine alarmingly under the bungalow. He normally drove one of the estate lorries.
We set off for Dejoo. The way Ramdas tore straight into the Runganuddi was indicative of his not being used to 'small' vehicles such as jeeps. We only just made it through the deepest bit of the river and for the next two miles to Mike's bungalow went mostly on three or even two cylinders.
By the time Mike was ready it was quite dark. In fact it was pitch black.
We set off. Ramdas - me - Mike in the front of the jeep. Mike being Garden Assistant at Dejoo knew the route to the point where we would pick up the jungle track. Ramdas had no idea where we were going. (despite having spent much of his life not three miles away). The 'track' was no more than two gravelled strips with grass growing in the middle. There was dense jungle each side from which only the best timber had been extracted. After about a mile we passed without incident through an 'Irish Bridge'. As we splashed through water a good foot deep, I did wonder whether some of the Burra Sahibs might have something of a problem getting through it in their "First class gharries". There was no other light nor sign of anyone else on the road.
Ramdas was driving very slowly.
In the middle of the road two small lights shone.
As we got nearer it became apparent that they were not lights but the light from the jeep's headlights reflected in a black panther's eyes. The panther was lying unconcernedly in the middle of the track and by the time we were sure what it was we were only about 20 yards from it. Ramdas certainly knew what it was and kept saying "Sahib, burra barg hi" over and over again. The panther did not move and we stopped. It was an open jeep and we sat surrounded by the jungle and the darkness. I told Ramdas to flash the lights and sound the horn.
All this did was make the beast prick up its ears. At this stage Ramdas indicated we should back away - quite how he was going complete such a manoeuvre in the dark in the middle of the jungle I do not know. He was very frightened and, even though the night was quite cool, rivulets of sweat ran down the side of his face.
I told him to go a bit nearer and rev the engine. Very cautiously, with great hesitation, he did so. Reluctantly the panther slunk away into the jungle to our left. Ramdas was gabbling away but so fast that neither Mike or I could understand much of what he was saying. We indicted that he should drive on slowly.
As he did so I suddenly saw a pair of eyes within about 6' from the edge of the road. Directly opposite the jeep.
I said "Look Mike, there he is".
Mike looked.
Ramdas looked and promptly fainted in the driver's seat and the jeep engine stalled.
After a short period of absolute silence there followed a period of unmitigated chaos as I heaved the inert Ramdas over into the back of the jeep, slid quickly into the driving seat, started the engine and hurriedly drove away.
We found the Army camp and had a great party.
The event was held on an island formed by a split in the Runganuddi River. Access to the island was via a decorated woven bamboo bridge. There was a wild pig roasting on a spit. The drinks flowed freely supplied constantly by numerous uniformed Officers Mess bearers in very colourful uniforms which included spectacular regimental turbans.
I recall, late in the night, a senior memsahib's high heels piercing the woven bamboo bridge floor with disastrous and very unflattering consequences. Our panther tale stood Mike and I in great stead. When, about half past three in the morning, we came to go home I called for the jeep. It did not arrive. Eventually I went to see for myself what had become of Ramdas. The excitement had been too much for him. No doubt he had told his version of the story to the mess servants and other drivers which had also stood him in good stead. By the time I had found him he was once again unconscious though this time self-inflicted through alcohol.
I drove back to Dejoo, dropped Mike off and headed back across the Runganuddi to Koilamari. I parked the jeep under the bungalow and rolled into bed.
In the morning the jeep was there but not Ramdas. I thought it best not to tell Peter. However, when I took the jeep back to his office in the morning he quickly guessed exactly what had happened. It was only three years since he had given up bachelordom!
Next to the factory was a huge hole left behind as part of the dried up river bed of the Runganuddi. Apparently several years previously the river had changed course and come very close to the factory. At the time the factory Assistant had caught a thirty pound mahseer in the pool that once filled the now waterless hole.
One Wednesday afternoon, for some reason I now forget, Peter was unable to let me have the jeep to go to the club. Instead I decided to walk up the course of the old riverbed from the factory. In less than half a mile I was in an area of prime jungle. I walked a further three miles or so by which time I could occasionally see the gorge through which the Runganuddi emerged from the hills. The foothills started precipitously. From the foot of the gorge the first 'foothill' went steeply up some 3,000' clad with wonderful untouched jungle. The river flowed fast over boulders and there were several deep pools which no doubt had held good fish when the mahseer migrated down the rivers after the rains. The area was a wonderfully wild place. A white headed fishing eagle soared high above the river in the gorge calling to its unseen mate. On the waters edge there were a number of white crested redstarts and several dippers hopping about among the wet boulders.
Walking as far as I could I eventually came to a path. Obviously it led back to the estate so I thought I would walk back that way. I soon made good time and I could see the shade trees of the garden in the distance.
Without a sound, an elephant crossed the path not twenty yards in front of me. Discretion I thought was warranted and I waited some time for the elephant to continue its way. After some 10 minutes I cautiously continued down the path. When I reached the point where the elephant had disappeared into the jungle, I peered into the greenery. There were in fact four wild elephants solemnly peering back at me. Fortunately they showed no sign of moving from the jungle where they continued to graze contentedly and I stepped briskly forward down the path. I could not help thinking of the inappropriateness of the phrase in common usage; 'Like a herd of elephants' to describe something noisy.
I was later to discover that elephants were a very real problem at Joyhing. Each year tea seeds were planted in carefully cultivated nurseries and there was nothing more attractive to an elephant than soft moist cultivated earth in those seedbeds. The estate employed a full time chowkidar whose sole job was to frighten off elephants. Occasionally elephants would come into the garden and eat the branches of the shade trees over the tea. I swear Peter had developed a special ability to hear a breaking shade tree bough from the other end of the estate!.
After a couple of months I had made a good start learning the language as well as beginning to appreciate life at Joyhing.
Each day I would go to the Dev's for lunch. Asha, his attractive wife, always produced delicious Indian food although I never learned to cope with eating raw green chillies before lunch as Dev did. It also took some time to get into the habit of sleeping lunch off for an hour.
There were parties held regularly in planter's bungalows throughout the area.
The Manager of Doolahat Tea Estate's wife, Sheila Jay, was notorious for being 'heavy handed' with the drinks. Jimmy and I were 'summoned' to one of her parties.
Jimmy warned me "Stick to beer or, at the worst, keep to the rum". It seemed an extraordinary recommendation at the time, which, I have to admit, I soon forgot as the party progressed.
I was very happily drinking pink gins.
The highlight of the evening I remember was a house lizard running up one of my trouser legs and down the other. I do not remember Jimmy driving back to Koilamari that night but I sure had a horrific hangover the next morning.
At breakfast Jimmy showed no sympathy whatsoever and said "I told you to stick to the beer or rum".
"What was wrong with the gin?" I asked.
"You can't tell if there is any water in it" he explained. "And with Sheila Jay pouring the drinks there is unlikely to be any room for water. At least with rum you can tell by the colour".
It was a lesson well learned.
Tea garden labourers 'like a drink'. Their Hindu faith does not require them to be tea total and they celebrate a large number of Hindu festivals throughout the year with great merrymaking. The Indian government produces and distributes a 'country' alcoholic drink which is produced from sugar cane. It is an almost clear colourless liquid, sold in half pint bottles with an alcohol by volume strength of over 9%. However, many of the labourers brew rice beer in their homes which is a more wholesome, though less potent beverage. In addition there are often itinerant Nepalese who illegally distil a particularly fierce spirit from sugar cane and sell it very cheaply (duty free) to the tea garden labourers in local bazaars.
I had witnessed a substantial degree of absenteeism at Joyhing factory following each payday. In addition, while cycling through the tea garden between the factory and Jimmy's bungalow, I had noticed an increasing number of people lying under the tea bushes in varying states of unconsciousness.
I mentioned this to Peter one day and asked whether it was usual.
"No doubt there are some Nep's in the jungle on the north side of the estate. They will be getting ready for a big sale when the labourers are paid their annual bonus. We ought to sort them out".
Quite what 'sorting them out' involved I had not the slightest idea, but I noticed he had said "we".
The following afternoon Peter arrived at the factory with the back of the jeep full of several swarthy looking garden watchmen armed with very solid bamboo 'lathies'.
"Come on" he called "You can give me a hand to find our Nepali neighbours we must have somewhere."
I climbed into the jeep and at once noticed a large bore double-barrelled rifle sat on the middle seat with some huge brass cartridges.
"This looks a bit serious" I said.
"Not really" Peter said "It does however make an impressive noise which usually frightens the Hell out of them."
I did not doubt his words for an instant.
The gun belonged to the estate and was a .500", originally used to shoot or scare off elephants. By 1960 the shooting of elephants had become very strictly controlled by the government through a complex licensing system.
We drove to the north east corner of the estate and leaving the jeep followed a path that led through jungle towards the Joyhing River. On the way Peter pointed out some wild tea growing in the jungle from which the Indian tea industry had been started in the 1850's.
We broke out of the jungle into the riverbed of the Joyhing.
Peter signalled to me and the chowkidars that we should move as quietly as possible. The sound of a falling boulder could be heard he said for a great distance and would alert the Nepalese. We stealthily walked up the riverbed. There was only a trickle of water between small pools where there were shoals of tiny fish darting about in the crystal clear water. All was very peaceful. It was warm and with very little breeze as we walked up the river which by now had high banks either side. After some while Peter signalled us to stop and pointed silently upstream. On a bend in the river a column of smoke rose from above a cliff into which steps had been cut down to the river.
Still all was quiet.
We crept further up the river and very soon it was possible to see two Nepalese sitting either side of a 40 gallon oil drum set on three rocks. The drum was being heated by a fire which the Nepalese fed with small sticks.
Peter motioned us to stand still. He moved behind a large boulder and took careful aim with the rifle.
I wondered whether he was going to shoot one of the Nepalese.
Pater fired both barrels in quick succession and suddenly there were two spouts of liquid spurting from the 40 gallon drum on either side of which squatted a Nepali. In front of Peter's gun rose a large cloud of black smoke. The sound of the shots echoed through the jungle covered hills and birds rose from their afternoon siesta for a considerable distance in all directions.
The Nepalese scattered.
"After them" shouted Peter at the same time ordering the garden chowkidars.
By the time I had scaled the cliff there were no Nepalese in sight but the chowkidars, who had obviously done this job before, intercepted two elderly fleeing Nepali's in the nearby jungle.
I looked round. In the clearing made for the camp was a small basha made of jungle materials. The still comprised a 40 gallon drum (now holed and still leaking). The fermented liquor was put in the drum and heated. Across the top of the drum was suspended a cast iron round bottomed cooking pot which was kept filled (by hand) with cold water brought up from the river. Under the cooking pot, hung on two pieces of wire, was a small tin. The steam hit the cold cooking pot and having cooled dripped back into the tin. The tin was emptied at regular intervals and the 'spirit' emptied into another 40 gallon drum for storage. An extraordinarily simple but effective process. In the camp there were nine 40 gallon drums full of distilled liquid.
Peter ordered the chowkidars to empty the filled drums into the river. The two captives were bound and escorted away.
I later found out that Peter did not report the matter to the police, but held the Nepalese till their associates had paid a 'fine' - some might have called it a kidnap!
When I returned to the factory there was a great disturbance going on where contractors were building a temporary bridge over the Joyhing River. The idea of the bridge was that we should be able to get tea out of the estate during any monsoon floods. The Bihari contractor labourers were laid in the diminutive Joyhing drinking the 'sweetened' water that had flowed downstream - not much work was going on
Pete you will be sadly missed! Who else do I know who can stop a "punkha" with his bare head
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August 20 2012 David Eyton-Jones
Tina Eyton-Jones tells us
Sadly, we have to report that our father David Eyton-Jones passed away peacefully in his sleep on Wednesday 15th/Thursday 16th August night. We always enjoyed family time together with our Dad and his worldly stories that he shared with us.
Tina, Penny and Gerald
We offer our sincere condolences to the family - Editor
August 26 2012--The Funeral Service will be on Wednesday 5th September at 12noon at, St Mark's Church Franklyn Road, Godalming, GU7 2LD with a celebration afterwards in a Community Hall nearby after the Burial at Eashing Cemetery also nearby.
August 2 2012
Rosemary Kemp daughter of Pat Soward tells us:
It is with the utmost sadness that I must tell you of the passing of our dear Mother, Pat Soward She left us very suddenly on 25 July 2012 to join Dad who she missed so much.
Philip and I know that many of you knew Mum and Dad well and will be sad at their passing. She will be cremated at Portchester on 13 August 2012 at 2-15
Those we love don't go away
They walk with us every day,
Unseen, unheard but always near
~Still loved, still missed and very dear.
To Rosemary and Philip we offer our sincere condolences on their sad loss
July 29 2012
Grace Weller
Sandra Lambert the daughter of Grace Weller tells us: that sadly and unexpectedly my mother passed away at her home in Eastbourne on 15th June 2012. Mum was born in Shillong,Meghalaya and had eight sisters and three brothers. She spent many happy years in India with my father Peter Weller until she returned to settle in Eastbourne in 1978.
She was still in touch with many of the friends she met in the Tea Plantations and my brothers Neil, David and I were very pleased to meet some of her friends at her funeral. Mum to the end was a devoted mother to Neil, David and I and a very proud grandmother to eight grandchildren.
We send to Sandra, Neil and David our sincere condolences
If anyone should wish to contact Sandra her details are [email protected]
July 26 2012
Pakhi Dasgupta
Rana Dasgupta tells us:
My father, Pakhi Dasgupta of the Jorehaut Tea Co. Ltd., passed away peacefully at home in Calcutta on 21st July 2012. He joined the Jorehaut Tea Company Limited in 1956 and retired in 1996. Anyone wishing to get in touch may contact me or my sister at [email protected] or [email protected]. , Rana Dasgupta
We offer our sincere condolences to the Dasgupta family
July 2 2012
R.N.(Ruby) Deogun
July 5 2012
Below is the material for publication in the Finlay Magazine kindly shared by Saroj Mehera, his old colleague
DEOGUN. On Friday 29 June 2012, in Calcutta, Robindra Nath ("Ruby") Deogun, aged 80, beloved husband of Mina, father of Meera and Nikhil. He joined Finlay's in 1954 as an Assistant on a tea estate in Assam, India, became Manufacture Adviser and, later, Visitor (Visiting Agent) at Finlay's Calcutta office. When Finlay's Indian business became part of Tata-Finlay in 1976/77, he was appointed as one of the executive directors, subsequently vice-president, continuing as such in Tata Tea, after Finlay's pulled out. He became president/managing director in 1985, retiring in 1991 and settling in Calcutta.
July 2 2012
Dilsher Sen tells us: On behalf of the Deogun family, I would like to inform you that Mr R. N. (Ruby) Deogun formerly of Finlays and Tata Tea passed away in Calcutta late on Friday night June 29 2012 after an illness bravely borne. He is survived by his wife Mina, daughter Meera and son Nikhil. Further details with regard to the memorial service will be released shortly by the family in the local press in Calcutta. Nikhil can be reached on [email protected]
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May 31 2012
It is with sadness that we learn of Holly's passing following a stroke two days ago The funeral will be at Eastbourne Crematorium on June 18 2012. More information will follow
To his daughter Patricia we extend our sincere condolences ****************************************************************** June 18 2012
Here is the Eulogy for Holly created by his family and
read by his two grandsons, James and Jonathan.
Unfortunately our Uncle Robert is in Australia and is unable to be with us today. He has sent this tribute to his father which Jonathan and I are going to read to you on his behalf.
Dad was a passionate Eastbournian. He grew up here, went to the College, joined the RAF and spent more than 30 years in the Far East before retiring to the place he loved most.
His father and brother were teachers but that was too staid for Holly. It was while living in Brighton that he suffered a toothache that was to change his life. The pain was so bad that he took himself to the dentist and when he returned he found his lodgings had been flattened by the Luftwaffe.
Incensed, he went to join up and was despatched to Florida where he did his training with the RAF. Assigned to flying boats, Holly served on Sunderlands in India, Ceylon and Singapore as a navigator.
When the war ended, rather than settling back in bleak, war-torn Britain, he returned to India to become a tea planter. Here he met Ann who was to become his wife of 57 years.
They had two children, Robert and Patricia, and lived in the remote, north-eastern state of Assam where Holly rose through the company's ranks to run a 7,000 acre tea estate with a workforce of 2-and-a-half thousand.
In the early days home leave was taken only once every three years. It was a chance to catch up with a rapidly changing Britain, although Britain in the late 1950's was still conservative enough to be shocked by the sight of Holly washing his car in his shorts.
Dad's sense of adventure came through in his choice of family holidays - a railway carriage in Ireland, a cabin cruiser on the Norfolk Broads and a Dormobile in the West Country.
Later, when they came to see us in Tasmania, he and Mum hired a 25-year-old Volkswagen Beetle with bald tyres - Holly loved a bargain!! He drove it into an area usually only reached by four-wheel-drive vehicles. They were lucky to get out in one piece!!!
Fishing was a favorite pastime. I remember Dad sitting on the jetty in the tiny Tasmanian port of Stanley at 5 in the morning with me in attendance to hand him a fresh rod each time his line became snagged - which was often - or swimming out to sea to rescue his bucket which had been washed off the rocks.
At home in Eastbourne, he could be found with prawning net in hand at low tide on the reef at Holywell. That night we'd share a tiny prawn cocktail between the four of us.!!
Holly retired from tea in 1974 and was awarded an OBE for his work for the British community in Assam and his service to the tea industry. We were all immensely proud of him.
He found adjusting to life in England difficult, but landed a job as Secretary of the Saffrons Sports Club where he remained until appointed to a similar but full-time role at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club.
Here Holly ran a tight ship, working hard to maintain standards as the club celebrated its centenary during his tenure with a visit from its patron, the Duke of Devonshire.
At the club he and Ann made good friends. He was part of a group that would meet for drinks each Friday, in what became known as the Departure Lounge, as their numbers dwindled. Holly, I believe, was the remaining survivor of the original group.
A doting grandfather, he was the clown who loved doing magic tricks for James, Jonathan and Clare, and could be relied on to wear silly hats at Christmas. He was intrigued by his little great grand-daughters, Lottie and Becca and adored watching them.
All this would be faithfully recorded on his ever-present video camera and replayed on a succession of larger and larger TVs, culminating in the arrival of 3D, almost certainly the first in the block of flats where he lived.
There was no end to Dad's talents. He even mastered the art of home brewing, producing a sake rice wine which quite simply blew your head off!
An avid user of computers he became quite a technology buff. He once checked up on my teenage daughter in Australia by logging on to a site she was on with her friends. Horrified by what he found, he never did it again!!
When Ann died it was obviously a great shock, but he just got on with it with help from his daughter Patricia, whom he adored.
As illness took its toll and his mobility became more restricted, Holly invested in an electric buggy and delighted in driving up and down the promenade on Eastbourne seafront, scattering seagulls and the odd pedestrian in his path.
Although he became increasingly frail towards the end, his mind remained razor-sharp and his mental toughness in the face of his declining health was quite astonishing.
Last year Dad celebrated his 90th birthday. It was a wonderful occasion and an appropriate recognition of a life well lived.
Today we've gathered to say farewell but please don't be sad.
Dad, you gave everything you had. Now it's time to let you go.
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May 29 2012
Bill Charlier
Sadly we have to report the passing of Bill Charlier we extend our sincere condolences to Lois and family--the funeral is today. When more information is to hand it will be shown
May 5 2012 David Little
Sadly we have to report the passing of David Little He was the Company VA in Darjeeling and a Trustee of the Sir Percivals Griffiths Trust for a number of years To David's daughter Judith we offer our sincere condolences. David's funeral is in Brighton on 9th May.
More information will follow
May 3 2012
Margaret Mortimer
Bob Simpson tells us of the death of Margaret, widow of James Mortimer who died in early January. She had been in very poor health for some time. To the family we offer our sincere condolances
April 4 2012
Jiten Mathur
Aijit Saikiatells us that Jiten Mathur, Manager of Numaligarh Tea Etstae, and of Contemporary Tea Ltd passed away peacefully yesterday April 3 2012, after fighting cancer for three months, to his family we send our condolences.
January 5 2012
Jasbir S. Randhawa tells us
T.V. Alexander
I'm deeply shocked to hear that TV Alexander passed away at Chennai at 10.40 am today, after suffering a stroke and a massive heart attack.
My heartfelt condolences to Ivy, Roshni, Vivek, and to the rest of the family.
I will always remember Alex as a dear friend and colleague.
January 21 2012 Manzurul Haque tells us of the sad passing of
M A Rahman
"We are grieved to inform about sad demise of veteran Planter Mr. M. A. Rahman on 16th January, 2012 night. He was a Director of Duncan Brothers (Bangladesh) Limited. For last few years he struggled with Cancer with great fortitude. He was 65 and was a pleasant person".
January 10 2012
Ted Humphreys ex Assam Oil Co. tells us that:
Ronald Montgomery
Ronald Montgomery (Stores Superintendent Digboi) died in November 2010
Eve Ball
Eve Ball (wife of Chris Ball) died June 2011
January 9 2012 Richard Highmore
Bob Powell-Jones tells us that an ex-planter(for a short spell) Richard Highmore passed away on the 25th December. He was in his eighties & a very pleasant person.
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January 2 2012
Jimmy Mortimer
Jessie and Bob Simpson advise us that Jimmy Mortimer (Cachar & Upper Assam with McNeil & Barrie ) Died on 1st. January 2012 in an nursing home in Aberdeen. He had been in failing health for some time. Margaret his wife is in the same nursing home and is very poorly.We were advised by Jimmies daughter Gillian.
We send our sympathies to Gillian and family
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